I will always think Fay is Fay, Nutty is Nutty and Shrift is Shrift even if I learn their other names. I'm no fun on b.org in that department cause this is the name my mother picked. On lj I picked a name that used to only be known to family and the most intimate of intimates...it's unusual, but I won't forget it's me or anything and it won't haunt me the way Bayliss_Bitch might have done.
Buffy ,'Sleeper'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Do I want to sign up for a Remix pinch hit? Help me decide.
my given name isn't Fay, so there may be a pot kettle black thing going on here.
Whenever I see a picture of you, no other name could describe you. In my mind, it's never just Fay, either, it's FAY!, with a touch of glitter and an outline of blinking neon light. You deserve your own Broadway marquee just for being you.
Betsy, when I signed up here I didn't know it wasn't like the rest of fandom; I am Am-Chau when I sign fic formally, and amchau on lj. It's easy, and non-fandom-specific, which is a great boon when I keep switching fandoms.
In my mind, it's never just Fay, either, it's FAY!, with a touch of glitter and an outline of blinking neon light. You deserve your own Broadway marquee just for being you.
Yeah, baby!
throws glitter into the air, blushing madly
(Today I am wearing more than a touch of glitter. Today I am wearing a turquoise-blue net scarf covered in elaborate gold and cream embroidery and lots and lots of shiny holographic gold sequins. I'm the sparkliest resource teacher ever. )
I realized I was on your FL already; somehow I just missed the fic. (Or maybe I was avoiding it for fear of spoilers.)
It's sort of like popslash for grownups.
Popslash is for grownups!
At the point I entered the board, I was in the process of divesting myself from my given name and putting together SA. For better or worse, that's my name, both on and offline. I suppose I worked too hard to embrace my name to sacrifice it for a pseud.
::grins at SA::
- So* tempted to write Doc/Jewel Deadwood fic. But if I want to write for myself, I can just write about my stupid life.