Sorry, Betsy. I've been robbed a few times, and it's the weirdest feeling, all creepy and anger-inducing.
You should make a list of everything that's missing, and fax that to every pawn shop and jewelry store that buys....
I had 90 CDs stolen once - I actually got 85 of them back when a suspicious record store employee checked my list of stolen CDs....
Oh, that's awful, Betsy. I hope you get back what was taken. So sorry.
I've been robbed a few times, and it's the weirdest feeling, all creepy and anger-inducing.
When I was in college I was doing scene work in class and we had changed into costumes ina hallway. When I went back afterwards (literally ten minutes later) my green cowboy boots were gone. They'd been a big deal Christmas present. They were also the only shoes I had with me and campus safety had to drive me home (this was NYC -- there was no barefoot option). It was humiliating and for, easily, the next eight months I looked at people's feet compulsively to see if they had my boots. What could I have POSSIBLY done if I'd seen them? Still, I looked. Creepy and anger-inducing sums it up perfectly.
Good luck with the pawn shop route -- it's good that there is SOMETHING you can do.
Oof, I'm totally fried from standing out in the unshaded sun for two hours for Emmett's baseball game, then taking an hour long walk in that same sun in search of a beer.
Because it was Mem Day Weekend, some teams were underpopulated. The team who played after us asked Emmett to fill out their squad which he did enthusiastically. So he played a double-header (during the second game is when I went on my beer vision quest. JZ was having late lunch with friends.)
And? We have another game tomorrow. Against the same team we played today, who are utterly hapless. It's not even fun beating them. Oh well, it's the end of the regular season and the Double-A round robin tournament is next weekend.
Betsy, I am so sorry. How horrible.
So if I'm trying to get laid, and some girl or guy gets in the way - I need a word.
I've always said cunt-blocking, but neither does that rhyme nor does it receive Jesse's endorsement.
Betsy - deepest sympathy. Also what Jen said. I vote for fucko being killed by a falling piano for classic comedy value.
I've always said cunt-blocking, but neither does that rhyme nor does it receive Jesse's endorsement.
I think we need to get away from the anatomy and look to the activity blockage: Fuckstunter. Not to be confused with a Stuntfucker which sounds intriguing. "Yo bitch, you're stunting my fuck!"
Lilty, I hope your family has some peace.
In completely other news, I just don't like the sound of cunt-blocking.
Lilty, I wish you much strength right now, and clarity and peace.
ICON: Fuckstunter sounds like you meant to say cunt something and got tangled up. The idea of getting away from the genitalia has some merit. Takes away from my hip check visuals, though.
I'm also not big on the idea of stunted fucking.