Poor Royals. We do feel sorry for you, but it could be worse. You could be worst in your division AND have Sweet Lou Piniella be your manager.
I didn't know there was such a thing as dope slapping.
I think it is the polite thing to do. Much more refined than bitch-slapping.
Chimp-art auction is no monkey business
LONDON - Congo the chimpanzee led a brief artistic career and enjoyed little critical success, despite the patronage of his contemporary and fellow abstract painter, Pablo Picasso. But nearly half a century after Congo's artistic career, some of his paintings are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house alongside works by Andy Warhol and Renoir.
You could be worst in your division
Hey, don't sell the Royals short. They're the worst in all of baseball.
I think it is the polite thing to do.
We have differing slapping motivations, I see.
Much more refined than bitch-slapping.
But can it beat the glove slap for sheer gentility?
Hey, the Jays already have a bunch of wins. Can't they share?
We already overshared with the Orioles and ChiSox last week, sorry. I was at the game on Monday, just to watch Mike Sweeney hit.
I don't know if anyone's posted this yet (yes, I skipped and skimmed!), but Wendy's is handing out free Frosties from Friday (alliteration--yay!) to Sunday to get people to come back thank their loyal customers for sticking with them through the Finger Controversy.
They really should serve them with ladyfingers.
That's what happened with the chili!!
Huh. Boss just came by my office to tell me thanks on behalf of some of my coworkers, and that I was doing such a great job today. Cue my confusion, because a) things were busy today but not particularly hectic, b) I was not yet recovered from the mule-fucking and the egg comes out of the chicken and does Wayne Brady have to choke a heifer?, and my keening, horrified laughter had barely faded away, c) this morning, I accidentally wrote some House/X-Files kink while I wasn't paying attention, and d) if I got the work done in a pleasant and efficient manner, it was probably just because I was so painfully bored.
I should shirk more often if it gets me props.