And, well, Moyer was once the ace (or nearly so) of the Cubs' staff.
Hell, a few years ago he was the ace of our staff.
Now we're back up, 9-6, bottom of the 4th. For some reason Pavano is still in, but Thornton is pitching for our side. Ichiro and Ibanez both hit homers to right in the top of the inning. Ibanez's went in the first row of the upper deck. Ichiro's wasn't so powerful, but in the slow motion I swear you can see the exact moment he goes from "I'm going to try to get a base hit" to "Time to go yard." Split second wide eyes-grin-SWING.
I suspect it's a case of people who fuck their mules assuming that everyone else is, too. The same way that people who do not fuck their mules assume that other people's mules are similarly unmolested.
I suspect it's a case of people who fuck their mules assuming that everyone else is, too.
Weirdo Georgia farmboy.....
And now it's 9-9. This game is nuts.
That whole Georgia farm thing just makes me wonder about Steve on Deadwood: is he an anti-choice activist?
Yipe, Susan. What is
teams collapsing in tandem?
people who fuck their mules assuming that everyone else is, too.
I think people who fuck their mules would probably have a little sympathy for pee-lovers and masochists and other oddball fetishes, but apparently the mule-fucking among us are hypocritically self-righteous.
You know, actually, on the scale of creeptastic oddball fetishes I perfer not to know about, mule-fucking is head, shoulders, knees and toes beyond pee-love and masochism.
And now it's 9-9. This game is nuts.
I had it on for a minute before a certain Baby Who Shall Remain Nameless demanded Sesame Street. It's like a yo-yo.
I suspect it's a case of people who fuck their mules assuming that everyone else is, too. The same way that people who do not fuck their mules assume that other people's mules are similarly unmolested.
Still laughing.
I think people who fuck their mules would probably have a little sympathy for pee-lovers and masochists and other oddball fetishes, but apparently the mule-fucking among us are hypocritically self-righteous.
Well, you know -- it's not perverted if everyone does it...
I think people who fuck their mules would probably have a little sympathy for pee-lovers and masochists and other oddball fetishes, but apparently the mule-fucking among us are hypocritically self-righteous.
If god hadn't wanted us to do it, he wouldn't have made farm animals so irresistably delectable!
I have a mule on my head right now and it's--
What are you all staring at?