my Dh is sitting in the corner with Betsy's and Jessica's husbands. Which is good, because I really don't spend a lot of time worrying about getting dressed. Usually if I plan on being anywhere other than the neighborhood I look pulled together. or at least co-ordinate.
speaking of which I need to shower and get dressed for work.
I'm saying there is no sentence that starts "Guys like" that I'm going to find plausible.
It's just.... too big a sample set. You can't draw a smooth curve.
If the world generalized to my boyfriend, there would be guys whose preferences seem completely unimpinged [that isn't even a word, is it] by social expectations. An example:
"your eyeliner looks nice!"
"I'm not wearing eyeliner. Do you mean eye shadow?"
"Are you just saying that because you can tell I'm wearing eye shadow?"
"Well, I see sparkles."
The only person who's ever told me I should wear makeup is my grandmother.
I think I have more of a grasp on it. What people like in their sexual partners is as quirky and as idiosyncratic as they come. You can find somebody who likes or dislikes anything. It isn't that difficult.
A friend's 8 yr old daughter was getting pressure to shave her legs, getting made fun of for being a baby & so on. A couple of us called her to tell her that we avioded shaving our legs when we didn't have to and that not shaving was the much more adult way to go.
I'm saying there is no sentence that starts "Guys like" that I'm going to find plausible.
I'm a little disappointed that my insistence of an implied "Most" isn't getting through, but there you go. Do you want me to edit the original post? Will it help? Or should I just let it slide?
But it seems to me that very many guys assume that most women will tweeze, pluck and shave, and that's what women do, and that's how women will look.
I think, in general, guys don't think this much about grooming. I think the generic mental image of the American Woman probably is clean-shaven, wears makeup, dresses nicely, showers, etc, but I'm not sure most men put a lot of thought into the specifics of how that look gets created.
[eta that "Well, I see sparkles." is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.]