Jesus. Today is going to suck in countless as-yet-undescribed ways. Right out of the gate, I have the following:
(1) I well and truly have a cold and feel like total total shit.
(2) I slept through my alarm, by more than an hour.
(3) Upon arriving at work, my sort-of-boss-co-worker (not Chatty, and not Incompetent) immediately started slagging on how bad the layout looks. The layout that I've done the same way -- the way SHE taught me when I started working here -- FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS!
She ended the discussion by telling me, and I quote, "Shut up!!!", complete with the exclamation points. Bitch.
(4) I have a hole in the butt of my pants, which I didn't discover until I got to work.
(5) Still not king.
Meh. Just fucking kill me now. (This is a *Wednesday,* mang. Shouldn't days this crappy be Mondays?)
Cindy, I got your e-mail, but I have to fix the shitty looking layout, so I can't reply until later.
Hm, I think Incompetant Co-Worker needs to meet Mr. Smack in the Face!
(3) Upon arriving at work, my sort-of-boss-co-worker (not Chatty, and not Incompetent) immediately started slagging on how bad the layout looks. The layout that I've done the same way -- the way SHE taught me when I started working here -- FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS!
Oh, I hate this one. Every month it seems one of the folks who were on the Design Committee asks why we do something or other on our site the way we do. The answer is in two parts: a) because we've been doing it that way for two years now, ever since b) you told us to do it that way.
Ugh, Tep. What an ass-head. She may not be Chatty, but are you sure she's not Incompetent?
Also, your cold and Nora's should just go pound on each other and leave you two alone.
Also also, Nora's work needs to suck less. The only thing it has going for it right now is that she doesn't have a boss like Kate P's expecting to be groomed, and really, both Nora and Kate deserve so much better from any jobs lucky enough to be had by them.
Okay, Teppy. I figured as much when I was reading your post. I hope your day gets better. My word.
Don't think of yourself as having a hole in your pants. You are stealthily mooning all the asshats at your office.
Unique want-ad spelling in the Mankato Freecycle group on Yahoo:
Wanted: Dehymudifer
My first thought was "Doesn't the sun do that?"
I have taken allergy medicine. This cracked me up. That is all.
Don't think of yourself as having a hole in your pants. You are stealthily mooning all the asshats at your office.
This too.
Everything is funnier with medication. It's like being drunk without the hangover.
A propos of nothing.... Nora, I'll get you that recipe when I remember to get the cookbook from BF's place this weekend.
Life is crazy hectic, and I feel like I haven't really been home in over a week, even though I sleep in my bed every night. Fortunately this week and next look less busy, so maybe I can actually get stuff done.
I'm loving the secretly mooning the asshats thing. Tres funny.