JZ, morningstar farms makes veggie corndogs, both regular-size and mini. And they're really REALLY yummy
Fifthing the MSFarms corndog love. Z & I are ADDICTED to them. Seriously.
I just checked, and my aussie source says 3.
Yup, and now JSw has given me rugby flashbacks. I need a beer.
The only way to make Morningstar mini veggie corndogs better is to dip them in honey mustard.
I swear that MS reformulated the veggie corndogs when they changed the packaging. The last box I got was overly something. So, at the moment, I'm loving the TJs ones more, even though the corn part is better on the MS.
Veggie corndogs are the only way I'll eat corndogs. I actually hate the real thing.
My goodness. I'm being lazy today. I got up late, surfed the big I, showered, went to therapy, got lunch, and now I'm ready for a nap. And I think I'm gonna take one. Who really needs clean dishes anyway?
Case management day today.
I gave her two book reviews and explained what an editor is.
Who needs management here?
The books were Deb's and Hard Revolution but I also gave the Ouevre of Hecubus a minor plug.
That was all helpful to *me* though, right?
but I also gave the Ouevre of Hecubus a minor plug.
I'm glad you specified "ouevre" (which can playfully rhyme with Louvre if you sing it with a country twang), because receving a minor plug made me squirm a little.
That was all helpful to *me* though, right?
I think so.
because receving a minor plug made me squirm a little.
Wow, my brain just went to a BAD place....
How so? Because I brag on you? Because I am a frightening profane cross between a missionary and a publicity flack?
And of course I would not make the plug mistake again...I've only just got over being embarrassed about the first time.
I'm not sure you want her to read your book...she won't Get It. Maybe she would buy it for, you know, smart people.
ETA: OK, so what do people say instead. Because as one woman I doubt I could "hype" your book, nor give you buzz?
I've been thinking about Princess Tickybox and her arrival all day, but just now getting around to saying I'm excited for all three of you!!!!
I just tried to order my gown for graduation over the phone.
Order woman: Well, what size are you?
Me: I'm not too sure. Normally, a women's M, but I'm pregnant.
OW: So, what size will you be when the time comes?
Me: I'm not too sure. I'm 5'9" and will be about 195 by then.
OW: So, a L then?
Me: I guess. What do you think? I've never seen the gowns before.
OW: Well, it would help if I knew how big you are.
Me: I guess I could measure myself. Would that help?
OW: Probably not. I'll just put you down for an L.
Surely I'm not the first pregnant woman they have ever had. How hard is it, particularly when she is supposed to be the expert????