Nobody I know who's given birth actually wrote out a plan.
Um, you know one. When Kara was born, I did it because I am really bad at making decisions under pressure, and it helped me understand exactly what happens and when. I gave a copy to the hospital and one to the midwife. They were both very respectful and considerate of it and me. One of the main points was that none of it was set in stone and that we'd punt if something came up. We punted a lot, but it made me feel less pressured when those things happened that required a change.
In my plan, I was beltless.
Um, you know one
Heh. Mostly, I was referring to my non-buffista friends, although that's not that many.
We punted a lot, but it made me feel less pressured when those things happened that required a change.
This wouldn't have been me. When I plan something, I want it to go accordingly. I would have been crushed if I had spent all that time thinking about how I wanted it to go idealy, only to have to veer from the plan when the situation required it.
If I had tried to plan for all the contingencies, I would have had to print it out on a giant roll of paper because it would have consisted of a huge flow chart with lots of if/thens.
Ah, that wouldn't have been any fun. Mine was a single page, I think, and mostly about wanting to nurse (which didn't happen) and wanting the baby to sleep in (she never slept so we had to send her to the nursery a couple of times so I could get some rest) and that I wanted an epidural and stuff like that. I don't recall all of it.
I didn't do one with Aidan, and I wish I'd had more control of what went on with him. I was too out of it to follow what was going on and I still don't really recall what the emergency was that kept him in the nursery for most of a day. A plan wouldn't have helped with that, though.
I had a list of things I did NOT want to happen and in what order.
Every last freaking one of them happened.
That'll learn me. :)
I know.
Although, now I can schedule births! Advance notice given and invites made! I can choose astrlogical signs! And no maore contractions ever ever ever!
Sounds like Aimee's teething. Someone got the Tylenol?