All of my scissors are sharper than my table knives.
I have a pair of fabric scissors that are very sharp, but most of my scissors get their cutting action from the leverage of blade-on-blade, rather than from the sharpness of the blades. So, more like Tragically Excessive Tongs than Knives Meet Cute.
Fine. Destroy my lovely rant.
It's still true in the main.
Despite the fact today was the second day in a row I am out and about in something other than a winter coat (my "spring" raincoat).
My spring coat is my winter coat sans lining, gloves and hat (unless it's raining, in which case the hat stays). I haven't removed the lining yet, though I did wear it open and without gloves yesterday.
Due to a leak that is apparently causing the bathroom ceiling in the apt below to crumble, they are currently tearing out my bedroom wall to try to locate the problem.
Ack, brenda!
I see a lot of signs in say, The Limited, that say "Our New Blah-de-Blah Pant."
I don't think we're buying the same kind of scissors.
Or maybe not the same sort of table knives. Either way, after testing with the pair of craft scissors at my desk, it'd take less pressure to cut myself with one blade (don't forget the pointy tip) than it would with a table knife.
I want a black boot-cut Blah-de-Blah pant.
I want a black boot-cut Blah-de-Blah pant.
Those would look nice on you, too. I have them in sage.
My table knives have serrated bits near the ends of them -- I can cut meat without needing a separate steak knife. As for scissors, the pair at my desk (actually, a good Fiskars pair, worthy of fabric-scissorhood), has a point only marginally more sharp than a pen and a blade that could cut me eventually, but doesn't draw blood on average pressure.
(For desk weapons, I much prefer the letter-opener, which is a tiny not-sharp-at-all sword.)
Terry was brought on board by Schiavo's parents, who hoped he could mobilize Christian fundamentalist support for their daughter.
People baffle me. Why would you want Christian Fundamentalists on your side? Especially if you are, as I understand the Schaivos are, a Catholic, as Catholics are otherwise pretty high up on the Fundie hit list?
I suppose you would want them there because they share your beliefs (which is something else that kind of baffles, but I digress), but I must just be a nasty cynic, because I think they only wanted Christian Fundamentalists on their side because they get what they want most of the time now that the Bushies are in power.
I know this post will probably upset lots of people, but frankly, I'm tired of silencing my opinions just because Christians don't like them. This Schiavo thing has really pushed me over the edge. There is too much religion in the public discourse these days, and I'm tired of it. Where is my religious freedom, which I define as freedom from being harassed and harangued by everyone else's religion?
I am not going to embark upon a lifestyle of cutting to prove a point, but if you handed me a scissor or a table knife and told me to stab someone, the table knife'd end up in my pocket at best. I'd rather fight with my fists.
Other desk weapons include heavy objects to throw (stapler!) and I could blind villains by throwing cocoa mix into their eyes. Okay. Is it any wonder that my favorite weapon is a sharp tongue??