If I've learned anything from Florida, it's that Mother Nature enjoys repeat performances lately.
It's gorgeous and (gasp!) warm in Colorado today. I actually went outside without a coat during the early morning hours AIWFG!
Due to a leak that is apparently causing the bathroom ceiling in the apt below to crumble, they are currently tearing out my bedroom wall to try to locate the problem.
Ugh! Poor brenda!
All of my scissors are sharper than my table knives.
I don't think we're buying the same kind of scissors.
you have hit on one of my favorite dislikes in fashion -- the word "pant"
But who says it? People will say
pant leg,
but do some people seriously say
Oh, or wait--is it that the plural is your dislike?
I have heard Clinton and Stacy on WNTW say, "This is a fabulous trouser" or "Look for a pant with a wider leg."
All of my scissors are sharper than my table knives.
I have a pair of fabric scissors that are very sharp, but most of my scissors get their cutting action from the leverage of blade-on-blade, rather than from the sharpness of the blades. So, more like Tragically Excessive Tongs than Knives Meet Cute.
Fine. Destroy my lovely rant.
It's still true in the main.
Despite the fact today was the second day in a row I am out and about in something other than a winter coat (my "spring" raincoat).
My spring coat is my winter coat sans lining, gloves and hat (unless it's raining, in which case the hat stays). I haven't removed the lining yet, though I did wear it open and without gloves yesterday.
Due to a leak that is apparently causing the bathroom ceiling in the apt below to crumble, they are currently tearing out my bedroom wall to try to locate the problem.
Ack, brenda!
I see a lot of signs in say, The Limited, that say "Our New Blah-de-Blah Pant."
I don't think we're buying the same kind of scissors.
Or maybe not the same sort of table knives. Either way, after testing with the pair of craft scissors at my desk, it'd take less pressure to cut myself with one blade (don't forget the pointy tip) than it would with a table knife.
I want a black boot-cut Blah-de-Blah pant.
I want a black boot-cut Blah-de-Blah pant.
Those would look nice on you, too. I have them in sage.