Oh, but see, it looks like a lot of those 0% fresh movies only got 5-10 reviews, total. That's cheating. Ballistic has 98 reviews, though, so that's excellent. I think Alone in the Dark had 140+. And the one positive review graded it a C.
Hee, The Crow: Wicked Prayer got 0%. But only 5 reviews, with the straight-to-DVDness.
I think the total number of reviews that make up the % in Rotten Tomatoes goes down over time as periodicals and web sites remove or move the reviews to archives - I don't think RT re-links a review if it's archived, but I'm not sure. Some of the movies in the 90s list definitely had at least one or two positive reviews when they came out.
They definitely cull their reviews over time. (DH writes for several different publications, and his Tomatometer qualifications at each one change on what seems to be a random weekly basis.)
Something exceptionally bad might find one goofball to think it's so bad it's awesome.
Thankfully, this didn't turn out to be the case with
Hee, The Crow: Wicked Prayer got 0%. But only 5 reviews, with the straight-to-DVDness.
All I need to know to rent this is that David Boreanaz appears in it dressed like a reject from The Rocky Horror Picture show.
All I need to know to rent this is that David Boreanaz appears in it dressed like a reject from The Rocky Horror Picture show.
At least he got to wear his own clothes.
Oh, god, he's dressed like a cottage roll for a while. But then later he's dressed like Job Bob, which was jarring but much less traumatic for me. Until he takes his pants off.
Perhaps I'll buy the movie rather than renting....
Heh. He is still wearing underwear. And a shirt. And he's dry-humping Tara Reid at the time. The imagery (i.e., Tara Reid) is plenty upsetting but there's not really that much skin.
Bless. I needed to cleanse myself of the Tara imagery, and Laura Kern's review of Transporter 2 may be just the trick:
Purely shallow but never dull
I didn't need it to be better than the first, so the mere chance is gravy.
Mindless violence is exactly what I need to watch this weekend. Except that Transporter 2 might be a little too mindless. Every clip I've seen makes me want to roll my eyes.