Something exceptionally bad might find one goofball to think it's so bad it's awesome.
Thankfully, this didn't turn out to be the case with
Hee, The Crow: Wicked Prayer got 0%. But only 5 reviews, with the straight-to-DVDness.
All I need to know to rent this is that David Boreanaz appears in it dressed like a reject from The Rocky Horror Picture show.
All I need to know to rent this is that David Boreanaz appears in it dressed like a reject from The Rocky Horror Picture show.
At least he got to wear his own clothes.
Oh, god, he's dressed like a cottage roll for a while. But then later he's dressed like Job Bob, which was jarring but much less traumatic for me. Until he takes his pants off.
Perhaps I'll buy the movie rather than renting....
Heh. He is still wearing underwear. And a shirt. And he's dry-humping Tara Reid at the time. The imagery (i.e., Tara Reid) is plenty upsetting but there's not really that much skin.
Bless. I needed to cleanse myself of the Tara imagery, and Laura Kern's review of Transporter 2 may be just the trick:
Purely shallow but never dull
I didn't need it to be better than the first, so the mere chance is gravy.
Mindless violence is exactly what I need to watch this weekend. Except that Transporter 2 might be a little too mindless. Every clip I've seen makes me want to roll my eyes.
I have been looking forward to Tall Sexay Man Fighting Very Well
Transporter 2
for a long time.
I am anticpating lots of
hott dude with his shirt off
excellent action sequences.
I seem to remember that this trailer had him gratuitously shirtless and slick -- it's nice to see themes carried over from the original.
I haven't seen clips, just trailers, and they're hyping the punchy parts a lot.
Ebert gives it three stars:
Either "Transporter 2" is wall to wall with absurd action, or it's not a sequel to "Transporter." And in fact the sequel is a better film than the original
However, I'm going to see
The 40 Year Old Virgin
I'm very excited about Transporter 2. It looks like lots of goofy, brainless fun. Which is all I'm expecting or needing from it.