I didn't know Christian Kane had a show. Aw, cool.
I also didn't realize Charisma was going to be a "regular." I thought it was a guest role. Maybe they expanded it once they found out how popular she was.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I didn't know Christian Kane had a show. Aw, cool.
I also didn't realize Charisma was going to be a "regular." I thought it was a guest role. Maybe they expanded it once they found out how popular she was.
I wonder why no AH?
well, they said "(sans Alyson Hannigan who we just missed and is starring on CBS's new comedy HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER). Enjoy!"
Nick Brendon seems to have done away with the last bits of his boyishness. He looks like a man. We're watching season 3 right now, and I'm starting to see the changes, but they're still subtle. It's just a funny thing to notice. I remember going to my fifth year high school reunion, and being stunned by the changes in the boys. The girls mostly looked the same (and/or better).
Charisma looks impossibly good, like she was created by comic book artists or something. I'm glad to see her old hair back.
Nick Brendon seems to have done away with the last bits of his boyishness. He looks like a man.
When I stood next to him in Hollywood last year, his hair was close-cropped, but almost looked like he was starting to salt-and-pepper.
Season 6 finale on this morning --
I knew what was going to happen, and I still did the happy dance and yelled "Giles!" at "allow me to test that theory" (and was late for work)
I knew what was going to happen, and I still did the happy dance and yelled "Giles!" at "allow me to test that theory" (and was late for work)Vortex, someone should write a note to our bosses cause I did the same thing. Someone besides me obviously, as I suspect handing my boss a piece of paper that only said, "Giles!!!!?!" would look suspicious.
I still don't understand how the Spike-no-Soul who attempts rape is worsethan Angel-no-soul who tries to freaking KILL Buffy and her family and friends and does kill Jenny Calender and tortures Giiles. Rape is worse than murder and torture? The only difference was that Spike tried to be "good" when he was unsouled, and ultimately failed miserably. It always seems like everyone gove the Buffy/Angel relationship a pass when this comes up. Didn't she forgive him much more quickly after Angelus' murderous rampage and was desperate to sleep with him again except for the whole turning evil thing?
Well, I've already said that if Spike had attempted murder, it wouldn't have bothered me as much. Torture too. It's the nature of the crime, and its relationship to the meta of the show. I know Spike is capable of great evil, lack of soul, that's been mitigated by chip and his sort of love, but is in no way checked permanently. I thought it was out of character for him to do that, and I think the writers planned poorly.
It always seems like everyone gove the Buffy/Angel relationship a pass
Buffy never trusted unsouled Angel -- it was made narratively clear (to everyone other than Xander) that the man she'd loved and slept with was good, and they needed to get him back. Spike was more of a betrayal in that it threw in their faces that this was THE SAME GUY ALL ALONG that did this. I think it's much harder to compartmentalise, and much harder to get past.
Dear Bosses of Vortex and Cass,
Vortex and Cass were late, because Giles finally came back. Who is Giles, you ask? Well, we could tell you, but then we'd have to kill you...Wait. There have been too many workplace massacres for me to expect you to know I was just taking the piss about the killing part. Okay, let me start again. To splain yada yada sum...
We're talking G I L E S. That's Giles , Rupert, aka Ripper, as played by ASH, who has played other roles, as well.
Surely, both Vortex and Cass have, in making their decisions; prioritizing their tasks; and pursuing their goals, shown the sort of incisive, and innately wise decision making, you expect them to display and put to good use, in your respective places of employ. Obviously, they will be recording this time on their time sheets as "Professional Development". Thank you for your attention to this matter.
The Buffistas