( continues...) that everyone is wrong. The gang is wrong to jump to so many conclusions about Angel, and doubt Buffy. Buffy is wrong, to jumpt to so many conclusions about Angel, and assume he's safe. I am a big supporter of Buffy's intuition. She works best when she works intuitively. I'm not suggesting she should doubt it. But since Angel was so easily turned the last time, the risks she took here (even though time will prove her right) are enormous, and she was unnecessarily foolhardy to undertake such risk, without at least confiding in one character.
The set up for the Xander/Willow reveal in Lover's Walk ticks along nicely, too. It's a testament to the writing and Alyson Hannigan's acting, that my reaction to Willow's plight over her illicit smoochies with Xander, is more sympathetic than anything else. I'm less sympathetic to Xander during this story. True, his relationship with Cordy is an odd one. But I can understand and identify with Willow's motives much better. She had a huge crush on Xander for most of her life. Xander here, seems to want Willow, because for once, Willow is involved with someone else--someone who really interests her, and who seems crazy about her.
I'll arbitrarily stop here. It seems I never run out of ways to talk about this show, so I'll just close by saying I love it, so.
Mmmmm. Spicy braaaaiiiinnnnnssssss!
of course *you* would say that, Frank.
Also - Cindy, I'm about a 1/3 of the way through Buffy 5/Angel 2 (watching them in tandem).
Let me know when you get up to that and maybe we can synch up viewing and discussion (I'm going to be slowing down on these because the friend I was going through the shows with is moving to Baltimore, so no more dedicated Buffy/Angel -which I first spelled Angle, heh - nights).
of course *you* would say that, Frank.
Shhh, Nora. Don't make "us" get new seekrit identities.
Let me know when you get up to that and maybe we can synch up viewing and discussion
I will, but you know, there's no reason to wait. Plus, on nights that Scott is working late, or working at home, I sometimes choose episodes at random.
(I'm going to be slowing down on these because the friend I was going through the shows with is moving to Baltimore, so no more dedicated Buffy/Angel -which I first spelled Angle, heh - nights).
Heh. I was posting a comment in someone's LJ, and typed
when I meant to type angle.
Oh, I had a question for the hivemind.
It's about the scene when Willow and Xander go back in the stacks to research Lagos and the Glove of Mynhegon, and Xander starts rubbing her temples, which leads to smoochies. Giles walks in, and starts talking to them, but we don't actually see his face or head.
Do you think he busted them, or do you think he missed it, entirely? I used to think he missed it. Now I think there's a chance he busted them, but they don't actually realize it.
Oh my lord:
via Fandom Wank [link]
Is the slash phenomena the result of all the poor, traumatized het women who had their illusions destroyed by Spuffy?
Because the Spuffy ship onscreen was trying to force a very clear moral down our throats: There are men out there that are inherently bad for you, and if you find yourself interested in one of these inherently bad men, then that means there is something wrong with you, and you need to reject the 'bad men' and instead date 'good men' or even become celibate, if you still want to be a good person.
The S6 writers had, unintentionally, destroyed the sexual identities of a vast portion of the straight female viewers.
I tried to read the whole post, but my brain got whiplash from all the twisting of the logic.
Given the description on fandomwank I don't want to read and be spoiled for VM. But the excerpts you guys have posted are incredible. I WISH I had the kind of power that would allow me to unintentionally change whole swathes of feminine sexuality. Plus, wtf?
Women who were attracted to the 'bad boy' type were suddenly being told that they were wrong and that they'd suffer if they acted on their instincts.
No. fucking. way! I was told that if I was attracted to the bad boy type he'd annoy me forever despite needing to be killed ages ago.
I will state again, the only thing I'm left completely sure of since Season Six Buffy is that Marti Noxon should not have been given a television show, she should have been given a blog.
For the rest of her life, she'll write stories of fucked up nubile teenage girls luring poor bad boys into the bear trap vagina of doom.
There's gotta be a support group for writers stuck in such a loop. Yawn.