Alibelle, you missed JZ in Bitches talking about how she wished you'd done her junkie makeup for her acting gig at Stanford Medical School being a model patient.
Oh! When was this? Is she going to do it again? Because Dead Crack Whore is one of my absolute favorite makeups to do. Seriously. So fun. All the variations of it: Dead Crack Whore At The Bottom of a Swimming Pool, Dead Crack Whore with Blunt Force Trauma to the Head, etc.
ita makes me laugh. Also a little angry, with the easy apartment-finding and -getting.
Oh! Now find me an apartment!
Okay, where did everyone go? Why did all the talking stop?
Let's see what's a favorite topic? How about bruising. I have a bruise on my wrist that hurts, but is invisible, probably because I've been taking my vitamins. I'm pretty certain I got it in dance class, when I was doing the spinning on the floor thing again, from the teacher's kung fu grip. Actually I would not be surprised if I left bruises on his arm, either. I was holding on for dear life. I also have a mysterious bruise on my inner thigh, right above my knee. It doesn't hurt, but it sure is purple. However, this upsets my vitamin taking theory, so I'm not sure what to think about it. Other than, "how on earth did I get bruised there and not notice?" Of course.
Let's see, another topic of conversation. Hmm. I don't think monkeys are all that endlessly fascinating.
So there.
ETA: Ha! Of course someone would post when I was writing that whole thing up. What kind of apartment do you want, Allyson?
school has taught me that the correct answer for any symbol is usually "it's a penis."
Far be it from the internet to disabuse you of that notion.
It feels like buyer's remorse, but I know it's only good old fear of commitment. Which is to say, lease signing in 5 minutes.
Jesse, it was all Ali.
What kind of apartment do you want, Allyson?
Something larger than 400sq ft, for $800, in Los Feliz.
Everyone laugh.
Oh! Now find me an apartment!
Nope. I'm next.
Do we need to start the line discussion again? It's bad enough ita cut.
You can't have an estate sale unless you're dead. It's the Rule.