And if your iPod's battery died, you could go up to Jesus and He'd touch your iPod and it would be miraculously charged.
If the iPods hard drive died, Jesus would spit on his hands and place the spit on the iPod to revive it.
If He was feeling especially festive He'd touch your iPod and change all your songs to a higher bitrate.
Buddy Jesus says "Right on!"
I am scarred for life.
A banner ad for showed up on my hotmail inbox. It has a pig with writing about lowering my mortgage. Said pig is stretched all the way out the length of the banner. It is 3Dish and on first glance up there at the top of the inbox does not look like a pig at all.
Can I get a statuette of Fanboy Jesus? Now I want one for my dashboard, and a "Fanboy Jesus is my Co-Pilot" bumpersticker.
Tucson! I'm so sorry to miss the wildflowers, but it was very pretty and greenish when I was out there in January. I recommend, along with the other things people have mentioned, Kartchner Caverns which is a short drive south -- we combined it with a visit to Bisbee, which was also fun.
Here's more about Kartchner, with more pictures:
(if you look at the picture on the page there, notice the teeny-weeny human in a red jumpsuit standing way down at the bottom next to the stalagmite.) Kartchner is one of the most extraordinary living caves open to human tours, kept secret by the people who found it and the family who owned the property until they could set up management of it to the best known modern practices for cavern ecology. The Big Room tour is only open until April 15th, when it closes for the summer because that's a bat maternity roost -- the other tour goes into a different bat-free area, so that's open year round.
And if your iPod's battery died, you could go up to Jesus and He'd touch your iPod and it would be miraculously charged.
No wonder there are so many Christians.
What happens if you suddenly NEED to hear a song that you don't have loaded on your shuffle?
This is THE most traumatic thing, and I spent an hour last night redoing the songs on my iPod so it wouldn't happen any more.
So, yeah, I couldn't deal with a Shuffle.
Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's wife's iPod.
Thou shalt not bear false witness to the iPod.
Thou shalt not take the iPod's name in vain.
Thou shalt honor thy Mother's and Father's iPod.
Thou shalt keep the iPod day holy.
Thou shalt not murder thy iPod by letting the battery run out.
Thou shalt not have any other iPods before this one.
Thou shalt not have any graven image of the iPod, ie that HP crap.
Thou shalt not steal music for your iPod.
You shall not commit adultery by using someone else's iPod.
These are laws.
These are laws.
And if you have a photo iPod you can see a picture of the actual tablets.
And those tablets can NOT be returned - they are engraved.