Kat, what menonite mob?
I didn't see it, Cindy. But apparently Mennonites were having a hard time making ends meet so they "turned from Bibles to Bullets" and began running drugs. Violence ensued and the are no under investigation by the FBI.
Oh, as usual, dear. This wasn't an ad for a fictional program, I take it?
That rapture webpage has me angrier than I need to be on a sunny day, when my mother had the kids overnight, and I've already accomplished much of which usually takes me the whole day. On the other hand, I have to go to my local Social Security office today, so maybe I should read it again.
Number 10 is a trick question, so I think it's impossible to not go to Hell.
I think being a Christian is supposed to help, but I didn't read the whole thing so I'm not sure.
Wait, why is it a trick question?
Number 10 is a trick question, so I think it's impossible to not go to Hell.
Oooh. I thought the first one was Thou shalt not kill. Shows what I know.
I love that it makes you judge yourself.
I like the big INCORRECT.
Also not so very concerned.
So not concerned that I'm not even taking the test.
Number 10 is a trick question, so I think it's impossible to not go to Hell.
Just FTR, I knew what number one was, and said, truthfully, I think, that I've never broken it, and I'm still going to hell.
Wait, why is it a trick question?
It says that everyone has broken the 1st Commandment, so if you say you haven't then you're braking the 9th Commandment.
I didn't look at that quiz. I know what it is. And it makes me even angrier, because they're taking something profound, and making it a quizlet on the internet.
The point is, nobody is good enough, which I happen to believe. Even the best people (and I'm not one) have some filth in their lives. Yes we get the picture. I wonder if the quizzers ever thought if their little quizlet would put off more people than not. I mean heck, I believe their point and I'm furious.
I'm more concerned about what I'll be eating for lunch than if I'm bound for hell.
Oh, I didn't read the explanation.
Dude, doesn't that make it not just a trick question but a trick commandment if nobody can avoid breaking it?
eta, Cindy et al, I hope my making light of it isn't bothersome. I do find stuff like this so out there that it doesn't feel to me like mocking real people, but I hope it doesn't come across that way.