I am glad that "Boston Rob" cops to being actually from Canton in his bio. Not so glad about the hair gel, though. My flatmate is convinced their wedding will be held on CBS within the year, since as reality shows go they are remarkably network-loyal.
Ali, I think they became All Stars because they were talky enough and popular enough among viewers to be used for more ratings.
My flatmate is convinced their wedding will be held on CBS within the year, since as reality shows go they are remarkably network-loyal.
They've been in talks with Mark Burnett to produce their wedding as a reality show since the All-Star finale.
Actually, she's "Amber," but Rob (her fiance) is from Boston, and so her name comes out as "Ambuh" (varied spelling).
Oh, thank God. Because "Amba" was about to knock "Anfernee" out of its position as Worst Mangled Name EVAH.
produce their wedding as a reality show
eww eww eww eww eww eww eww EWW.
Did Amba and Rob actually meet on All-Stars, or did they know each other before?
They met on All-Stars, I'm pretty sure.
Pretty sure they met on the show.
You know, because reality tv mostly flies under my radar completely, I think it's fine. All these people can create their careers out of their manufactured fame and just so long as they stay in the dating/competition reality strata, I will never ever see them or know who they are.
Unless they're on Nashville Star. Which starts tonight.
In other television news, is anyone watching "It Takes A Thief" besides me? Because that show totally freaks my shit out.
Amba's ass = smokin'.
Also, this year's Survivor has started out really entertaining, for those of you that don't know whether or not to watch.