From Salon:
The Los Angeles Times reports today that Schwarzenegger's administration has circulated a videotape package masquerading as a news report on the governor's proposal to roll back labor regulations that require employers to give their employees half-hour lunch breaks within the first five hours of their shifts. Several California TV stations ran the report as news, offering their viewers a one-sided, government-financed view of Schwarzenegger's proposal.
I don't understand what is positive about denying workers the right to eat.
God Bless Easy View.
I am so thirsty right now.
J&B question: would a health center
actually tell the parent about what courtney wanted?
I meant to ask last time, but I forgot.
Sparky Montana, I think.
Coulda been, Boji Franjo, though.
Good names! Far better than Sadie Brown.
It's like you're saying Bruce Wayne isn't porny! I don't know you people anymore!
Bruce Wayne is TOTALLY hot, in that holy-shit-you're-CRAZY way that Locke is hot.
I don't understand what is positive about denying workers the right to eat.
You know, it's government red tape that's hamstringing our nation's businesses from becoming more competitive and efficient.
Next thing you know they'll repeal child labor laws.
Kat, although I don't know for sure, I figured it was because she was
That's what I figured, but I was trying to figure out if that were true, if they would really do that.
How is a hungry worker productive? Or not grouchy? Or at their best, mentally?
What kind of fucked up shit is that?
My grampa is rolling in his grave right now.
How is a hungry worker productive? Or not grouchy? Or at their best, mentally?
Or, say, *healthy*??? What if you have workers who are diabetic/pregnant/some other illness, who must eat every few hours or else they, y'know, fall into a COMA?
Maybe they'll declare hunger a disability and make lunch a reasonable accomodation.
J&B: At my university,
the health center had signs up at every desk where you might possibly fill out a form or pay anything, saying that everything was confidential, but that, if you didn't want your parents to find out that you were at the health center, don't pay with their credit card and don't use their insurance. I think that, on the show, they said that they called because she was underage, but it seems to make more sense to me that he'd find out because she's on his insurance policy.