Archie Hahnenfurther. I dont think so. Actually, that's just the first street I remember. First nine months of life street would be...
Archie [never mind. I think that was Spanish for PO Box. Oh, well.]
I think it's the Archie that's killing me. Mostly.
Best combination using loose guidelines would be Lady Chester, I guess.
So much for my porn star career.
Barky State Highway 156.
eta: Or Barky Rural Route 2.
More apartments:
Very white, but cute [link]
Lots of room: [link]
On the water: [link]
The grounds look nice: [link]
Could be nice: [link]
Sounds nice inside: [link]
Coincidentally, Barky was killed when he ran out onto State Highway 156.
Dog facing down speeding car tends to not end so well for the dog.
Barky State Highway 156.
Heh. Baskerville Bleeker, known as Bussy, which sounds like one of the more annoying characters in a Wooster and Jeeves.
From Salon:
The Los Angeles Times reports today that Schwarzenegger's administration has circulated a videotape package masquerading as a news report on the governor's proposal to roll back labor regulations that require employers to give their employees half-hour lunch breaks within the first five hours of their shifts. Several California TV stations ran the report as news, offering their viewers a one-sided, government-financed view of Schwarzenegger's proposal.
I don't understand what is positive about denying workers the right to eat.
God Bless Easy View.
I am so thirsty right now.
J&B question: would a health center
actually tell the parent about what courtney wanted?
I meant to ask last time, but I forgot.
Sparky Montana, I think.
Coulda been, Boji Franjo, though.
Good names! Far better than Sadie Brown.
It's like you're saying Bruce Wayne isn't porny! I don't know you people anymore!
Bruce Wayne is TOTALLY hot, in that holy-shit-you're-CRAZY way that Locke is hot.
I don't understand what is positive about denying workers the right to eat.
You know, it's government red tape that's hamstringing our nation's businesses from becoming more competitive and efficient.
Next thing you know they'll repeal child labor laws.