Rock ON, Erika!! Good on you, girlie!
Hey, I looked at what I tried to write when I had a cold and all 1 page of it (when I set myself a 10 page a week goal) is all And then she said SNOTSNOTSNOTSNOT IDIOTIDIOT SNOT.
Why didn't anyone warn me about writing while LEGALLY BRAIN DEAD? Huh? I hold you all accountable. Somehow. No, really, I'm looking at you.
Although I now have great material for the epic tale of the 3 Cold Sores That Ate My Face From The Lip Out.
Ok. Tomorrow is Tuesday. It begins a New Week. I shall write 2 pages after my all-day staff meeting and my visit to 2 DMV's. (I have to go to Kansas AND Missouri.) Did I mention my book has horror elements? Tomorrow should seal my inspiration, yo.
Allyson, you may steal my idea for the Epic of the 3 Cold Sores That et. al. I am firmly convinced they are the secret Big Bad of Seaon 8 Buffy in an altverse. (And yes, I will have The Three immortalized (or at least recorded for the next 6 years) on my driver's license. Life is GOOD.