Barring abuse of alcohol, what could make that be so?
I bet Matthew Perry wishes he knew what Ben does. Forced dehydration? Diuretics? Dunno. When he's looking pretty, I think he's < a href="">way pretty, but you're right -- he sure turns on a dime. Fugging It Up was giving some credit to JG, but that's probably about him achieving a more even keel.
Huh. I was taught that "Que?" was impolite and you should say "Como?" Was that nonsense?
I think Nilly had it right. I think it's usually Hasidic (or Hassidim, or Chassidim).
I've usually heard "ultra-Orthodox" used to encompass more than just the Chassidim -- it also includes the people who are less "in the outside world" (for lack of a better phrase) than the Modern Orthodox, but aren't Chassidic, either. It's kind of a vague category -- the dividing lines aren't entirely clear.
Nilly, I'm trying to remember what I've seen people do here about sleeves on wedding gowns. I think that bridal shops in neighborhoods where there are lots of Orthodox people will generally try to carry the long-sleeved dresses from the fashionable lines, and most of them are used to doing things like adding fabric to sleeves and necklines.
I have no idea, Betsy! But my kids say "Que?" all the time. I figure it's teenspeak -- "Huh? Say what?"
I'm trying to add more phrases to my Spanish lexicon. I figure if my ESl kids have to read 450 year old English plays, I can tack on a couple of hundred words and useful sentences.
I live in an area with a pretty significant Hispanic population, and I feel like I should learn Spanish for exactly this reason. I wish I had taken it in high school, but I had to be all smarty-pants and learn French.
(Which I don't really speak anymore, either.)
I've taken Latin and French, and sometimes I try to say something in Spanish and it comes out in this weird dead-language Sprench poly-mess.
The students are pretty forgiving, though. They DO laugh.
I've learned how to say "I know what you just said" in Spanish pretty well.
Heh. Emmett busted out some French on me last night as I blathered on about something on our commute home: "Fermez la bouche."
Normally he'd get busted for being rude, but I was charmed instead of offended. Besides, he said he just liked the way things sounded in French.
Hee! That's hilarious. I'm trying to pick up dirty words and insults from my Peruvian friend, but I already did my phrase for the week. It's so funny; I walk around the halls muttering "Se lo que dico!" under my breath with different emphasis.
Dork is me.
Timelies all!
My wedding dress had sleeves. Cap sleeves, but sleeves nonetheless. There was no way I was going to expose my armpit cleavage on that day.
(And the second dress I tried on was perfect. go fig.)
Armpit cleavage?
Do I want to know, or will I just start obsessing about yet another body part?