I don't care if it is cheesy. I want Zoe/Wash baby!There's always fanwank.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
I don't care if it is cheesy. I want Zoe/Wash baby!There's always fanwank.
Narratively it feels like a pregnant Zoe would be cheesetastic and shark-jumpy and painfully pandering to the audience's cheapest sentimental desires
It just doesn't seem all that cheesy to me, since it doesn't seem all that improbable. I know more than one person who found out she was pregnant after her husband passed away. Zoe being a private person, she could have already known herself, and could be easily be four months without showing, possibly even close to five. So, wouldn't radiation be less of a problem (I must admit I hadn't thought of radiation), since isn't it the first trimester that's really problematic? It all depends on the level of radiation, and of later stress, but it could have been just an itty bit, 'cause Kaylee's really good at what she does!
Is my desperation showing too much?
She could totally opt to have a baby with some frozen eau de Wash.
If anyone's going to have a surprise shark-jumpy pregnancy, it ought to be Kaylee. Just to get the look on Simon's face, and then the look on everyone else's face when look at Simon.
And whatever Jayne says immediately after.
We got our best friends in Michigan hooked on Firefly. They bought the series and just bought Serenity the other day. They watched it last night. After, they left the following message on our answering machine.
"Fuck you guys. Just.....fuck you guys."
hahaha!!! that's priceless, Aimée.
I watched Serenity with my family last night. i couldn't help putting my hands over my mouth and sitting on the edge of my seat during the crash. this got my mom's attention and i could feel her looking at me and wondering why i was freaking, but i couldn't look at her because i knew my Wash would be gone soon.
That is great, Aimee.
I preordered Serenity from Amazon, but I'm also cheap, so when the price dropped, I cancelled the preorder and reordered to get the lower price. Plus, I bought the Firefly soundtrack with it (I can't believe I hadn't already) so I could get super-slow but free shipping. On the bright side, both should be waiting for me when I get home from vacation in January.
The new fall associate I got hooked on Firefly/Serenity just mocked me because I don't have the Serenity dvd yet.
Mine was just shipped. I might, possibly, actually get it before I leave on th 28th. Probably not though.
I made the mistake of putting Serenity on my Christmas list. So I have to wait and see if I get it before I can by it.
I noticed Serenity was nowhere on my dad's Christmas list. Wisdom coming with age and all that.