hahaha!!! that's priceless, Aimée.
I watched Serenity with my family last night. i couldn't help putting my hands over my mouth and sitting on the edge of my seat during the crash. this got my mom's attention and i could feel her looking at me and wondering why i was freaking, but i couldn't look at her because i knew my Wash would be gone soon.
That is great, Aimee.
I preordered
from Amazon, but I'm also cheap, so when the price dropped, I cancelled the preorder and reordered to get the lower price. Plus, I bought the
soundtrack with it (I can't believe I hadn't already) so I could get super-slow but free shipping. On the bright side, both should be waiting for me when I get home from vacation in January.
The new fall associate I got hooked on Firefly/Serenity just mocked me because I don't have the Serenity dvd yet.
Mine was just shipped. I might, possibly, actually get it before I leave on th 28th. Probably not though.
I made the mistake of putting Serenity on my Christmas list. So I have to wait and see if I get it before I can by it.
I noticed Serenity was nowhere on my dad's Christmas list. Wisdom coming with age and all that.
One of my coworkers bought the combo set for herself and told her fiancee I and another coworker gave it to her for Christmas. Heh.
I couldn't resist picking it up at Costco while I was shopping yesterday. I still want to get the FF and Serenity soundtracks.
If I get Serenity for Christmas, well, there's a copy I can use to addict some poor (schmo) deserving friend I haven't reached yet.
Yeah, that's exactly how I justified my purchase.
Also, I now have a Serenity keychain from my Secret Santa, who is Teppy! I love it!
It was at WalMart for $20 (it's been *years* since I've been inside a WalMart) so now I get the DVD PLUS I get credit for gifting it to Bob first.