If I can add to the chorus of minor annoyances, I've got this rash. Which I won't go into the whole saga of, but it's no big deal in and of itself, and might be eczema, an allergy, or a fungal thing--we're really not sure. My NP gave me something that made the outbreaks go away but didn't stop them recurring, so I finally went to a dermatologist last week, only the treated bit I showed her was so close to healed she couldn't make a determination what it was. So she said, "If it recurs, don't treat it, just call, and we'll get you in a.s.a.p."
It flared up yesterday. I called. Nothing was open yesterday, the doctor doesn't work Friday, so I have an appointment for Monday. Having to let this thing A) get worse and B) itch like hell is driving me crazy.
And all I can say is Monday she better be able to take one look at this stuff, know what it is, and recommend a treatment. Because I'm really sick of this.