I'd like some fast time, Lee. Can we trade? Days are moving very slowly indeed, though I'm still not getting everything done that I should be.
Also, I'd like to remember what it's like to wake up with my nose clear. Which has nothing to do with slow or fast. I'm just sick of waking up to sinuses as clogged as rush hour traffic.
Susan, itchiness sucks. For some reason (possible TMI alert) the seam in the bra I'm wearing today is driving me nuts, and somehow not being able to scratch makes the itching worse.
And I'm in total agreement that it should have been Friday DAYS and DAYS ago. I wasn't even in the office Monday, and I still feel this week has been about a thousand years long.
Also, (((((Nora)))) and permission to wallow to Steph.
Plei has a new tag.
I think my mom just actually accepted my "It's not an issue now" argument for shutting the marriage talk up.
Morning or whatever. I have about an hour before I have to head in. It's nice having the extra time to sit around, but I'd rather get off 2 hours early since I was already ready for work on time.
Ok...I've answered three questions on my take-home final. I can take a break now, right?
No, you say? I still have five more to go? Damn.
Susan, if it is eczema, I cannot recommend DermaSmoothers highly enough. It's prescription body oil, and it works wonders.
Right now I just hope she'll be able to look at it on Monday and
Well, that, and that there will be a treatment available to make it go away for good.
The other thing my dermotologist gave me was ProTopic, which made it itch like hell for a few hours, but cleared it up completely in a couple of days. (Sadly, winter came back, and once the humidity level drops below a certain point, my skin freaks the fair fuck out. I never had any skin problems at all until a few years ago -- not even teenage acne -- and I think my skin was starting to feel left out as the only working organ system in my body. Now we're all one big happy chronically broken organism.)
Huh. Whatever I have was worse during the summer--it seems like it's somehow caused or made worse by sweating, which I do a lot more and on a wider area of my body in my unairconditioned house when it's 85 or 90 degrees out than I do now. One of the reasons I finally got around to going to the dermatologist is that I really want to start exercising again, but have been reluctant because more sweat=more rash.