but the choice was always between more cheerful and ever sleeping again.
Both when I started the medication and when we raised the dosage the first time, it took about a week for the sleeping to chill out. So, soon I should be back to normal. I think I may have slept through the night last night, except that Toto decided to start barking at 2am when Not!Emily Roommate and his girlfriend came home. I got up to make sure we weren't being robbed and tried to get back to sleep, but was awake for over an hour, then finally decided to take more sleeping meds. It's just frustrating.
Back from the gym. I can't feel my arms. I have no arms!
I have no arms!
And yet you're typing. I'm impressed.
I wandered this way because of Firefly, but I lurked a while before I joined. I initially only registered to get the "Read New" function. Then I'd risk an occasional post, then go back to my cave and hide for a while longer.
I didn't understand "subscriptions" or the "read new" function for awhile. As far as posting, I've been steadily increasing how often I post.
Whoever slowed time down today needs to turn it back up to its proper speed right now.
Damn skippy. It was supposed to be Friday at least two days ago.
If you could send me some of your slow time, so I could get something done, that would be great.
I'd like some of that slow time too. Life, and days, are moving too damn fast right now.
If I can add to the chorus of minor annoyances, I've got this rash. Which I won't go into the whole saga of, but it's no big deal in and of itself, and might be eczema, an allergy, or a fungal thing--we're really not sure. My NP gave me something that made the outbreaks go away but didn't stop them recurring, so I finally went to a dermatologist last week, only the treated bit I showed her was so close to healed she couldn't make a determination what it was. So she said, "If it recurs, don't treat it, just call, and we'll get you in a.s.a.p."
It flared up yesterday. I called. Nothing was open yesterday, the doctor doesn't work Friday, so I have an appointment for Monday. Having to let this thing A) get worse and B) itch like hell is driving me crazy.
And all I can say is Monday she better be able to take one look at this stuff, know what it is, and recommend a treatment. Because I'm really sick of this.
Gronk. Timelies.
I've had two cups of coffee and I still feel like if I went back to bed, I could sleep another eight hours. Instead, I will most likely slounge on my couch and watch my Wonderfalls DVDs. I'm up to Karma Chameleon.