What brand are they?
I don't remember offhand, but I know I checked them before we registered for them at Marshall Field's.
Or you may want to try a gentler detergent, like Woolite.
This may be a possibility. I can't think that the apartment building washers are all that nice to fabrics.
vw, I'm glad you and Emily are making it home. Here's to a minimum of stress!
Ok...just checked. Flights are still on, although, we don't fly out till 4pm, so a lot could change before then. I'm hopeful, though. I'm glad we waited till today to fly (I didn't have a choice...Emily could have gotten out yesterday...on a four-legged flight...ick!). Things should be a little calmer today.
vw, I haven't watched the weather since last night, and shut it off during, after I saw the people in South Boston trying to shovel snow, but having no place to put it. I now wish I'd caught the forecast. My mother just called and said we're due for another 5-6 inches. She thinks it might start tonight. I hope it doesn't delay your flight, but bring extra snacks if you can, just in case.
I have to find out too, because we're supposed to have Ben's birthday party (he's going to be 9!!!! *sob*) after school, tomorrow. He was already concerned on Saturday that his party would be canceled. I told him then, he had nothing to worry about, because the roads would be clear. I hope I don't have to eat those words. I'm dithering now between preparing him for the possibility of a postponement, and the wait-n-see approach.
Juliana, I just can't drink the crap coffee. I can't. I can drink mediocre coffee, but not crap.
Same here. The stuff that comes out of the vending machines? I'd rather have a Coke, if I need caffeine, and I don't like Coke.
cereal...what's a four-legged flight? All pets, or something else?
I think it means she'd have to change planes three times, being on 4 flights altogether.
Oh, that's worse than all pets.
cereal to add: though I did get a mental picture of Emily riding on the back of The Luggage (from Pratchett's Discworld). That's more than 4 legs though. But still, it popped into my head.
ducks, so the reference can sail smoothly overhead
I am reading Interesting Times right now, so it's fresh in my head.
Sorry, Cindy!
I am going to walk to coffe and breakfast. This means finding clothes and putting them on.