Ok...just checked. Flights are still on, although, we don't fly out till 4pm, so a lot could change before then. I'm hopeful, though. I'm glad we waited till today to fly (I didn't have a choice...Emily could have gotten out yesterday...on a four-legged flight...ick!). Things should be a little calmer today.
vw, I haven't watched the weather since last night, and shut it off during, after I saw the people in South Boston trying to shovel snow, but having no place to put it. I now wish I'd caught the forecast. My mother just called and said we're due for another 5-6 inches. She thinks it might start tonight. I hope it doesn't delay your flight, but bring extra snacks if you can, just in case.
I have to find out too, because we're supposed to have Ben's birthday party (he's going to be 9!!!! *sob*) after school, tomorrow. He was already concerned on Saturday that his party would be canceled. I told him then, he had nothing to worry about, because the roads would be clear. I hope I don't have to eat those words. I'm dithering now between preparing him for the possibility of a postponement, and the wait-n-see approach.
Juliana, I just can't drink the crap coffee. I can't. I can drink mediocre coffee, but not crap.
Same here. The stuff that comes out of the vending machines? I'd rather have a Coke, if I need caffeine, and I don't like Coke.
cereal...what's a four-legged flight? All pets, or something else?
I think it means she'd have to change planes three times, being on 4 flights altogether.
Oh, that's worse than all pets.
cereal to add: though I did get a mental picture of Emily riding on the back of The Luggage (from Pratchett's Discworld). That's more than 4 legs though. But still, it popped into my head.
ducks, so the reference can sail smoothly overhead
I am reading Interesting Times right now, so it's fresh in my head.
Sorry, Cindy!
I am going to walk to coffe and breakfast. This means finding clothes and putting them on.
My very first article has just been published. There are a couple final edits that piss me off in their utter ridiculousness, but for the most part, I guess it's a good story.
Next Tuesday, I should have another one out. But today, today is the first. It's not the first time I've ever been published; I've been in school literary magazines many times. It's been a while, though.
Page 5, the science page, and there are (for the most part) my words, the words I've been seeing on Microsoft Word for the past two weeks, in print. There's even a border around them. And my name in bold.
Somewhere on campus, there are five people who actually care about science. Two of them read the Daily. One will only have the time to read the flashy article on hydrogen fuel cells. The other, whose name might be Penelope Clearwater, from Bodega Bay, California, will read my words and learn something, having witnessed the beginning of a career.