You know, I was thinking of going through a lot of personal/emotional/theraputic tags recently (didn't as it turned out) and was going to just send you a quick note to ignore for the duration. So, for me, this is a good solution. If I don't want them mentioned, I would let you know.
Thanks. Really, if you don't want me to mention it, then please tell me. Because otherwise my solution would be to stop doing it altogether to avoid hurting people, and I know there are some people who do enjoy it.
P-C, you can skip mentioning my tag changes too.
Oh, I didn't realize. I've never gotten any spam from them, though.
You can also *cough* lie blatently to them and get in...
God those are great pictures. And did we all realize/remember/really really remember how gorgeous Jess is? Cause she is.
I have sealing wax, but have never used it.
And Laura, you are my sistah in much!
We must stroll the beach when I get to San Diego for Captiva training. Of course I have no idea when I will schedule that since I have been so crazed. The training is boring stuff that won't require more than my showing up. Contractually someone here has to go so I volunteered for obvious reasons. I can't wait to clear some time to get out there.
Nora, a good creative mortgage broker can work miracles. Home ownership is often painful, but I have never regretted it.
Juliana (and anyone else who wants to see snow), I created a / foamy login at Snapfish.
P-C, I'll be hurt and heartbroken if you don't mention my new tag, when that happens. I'm all sensitive and stuff.
Nora, a good creative mortgage broker can work miracles.
This is absolutely the key. My broker (and the accountant he referred me to) were essential to my buying. Otherwise I don't think I'd have known where to start. They made it really easy. Also my broker has already re-financed us twice. He's really great about keeping on top of the changing interest rates. Both were no fee re-fis too.
I just watched the waves and felt a lot better.
I miss the ocean sooooo much!!!! When we lived in Rio, I walked the dogs at the beach every single day. The cariocas thought I was nuts for walking in the rain, wind, or really any condition other than complete sun, but it was so good for me. I love to walk and still do it every day, but walking along the ocean is almost spiritual - the waves, the sunrise, the sand....
(I think I'll stop before I get all sad.)
Lovely snow pictures you pink cheeked cutie!
My SIL is down visting and is scheduled to fly back into Newark tomorrow night. Personally I would love for her to get stuck here, but she thinks she has to go back to work and stuff.