the extremely privileged have NO SHAME AT ALL
Gimme a little time, and I can find you po' folk without shame. Also middle classed people with no shame, maybe some upper, some lower -- money doesn't force you to buy or discard shame, and why should it? I bet I could also find privileged people who are kind, gracious and wonderful people.
I think it's sad what some people will do if they can get away with it -- but privilege doesn't make you those people, and its lack doesn't mean you won't act the ass.
ita, I'm with you. I know some shameless mofos in all walks of life.
Thing is, the po' folk rarely have the power to do mass damage with their shamelessness. When you add money and power to the privilege and lack of shame, it gets awfully ugly.
It is true. It's easier to get away with stuff when you're richer than God. But I don't think it makes you a worse person.
Oh, I wasn't making the value judgement. Just the fact that shameless with money and a gun is faster-acting than shameless with nothing but 'tude.
Yay for new apts.
And laughing madly at baby peeing...
Yay for sj apartment! Boo for the accident and long day. I hope you're sleeping well.
Um...I had more stuff. Um...I should take better notes. Oh, yeah! I LOVE Jessica's new haircut. And I promise I'll post pictures of mine today. It's even on my to-do list.
I want to still be asleep. My body has different plans...and has had those plans for several hours. Grrrrr...
The great thing about baby-peeing stories? Embarassing a petulant teenager in front of their friends a decade-plus later. At least that's why I think parents do that, to get a little of their own back.
Sits vw's body down next to my cat, for a little talk about the value of sleep.
I think dogs are great practice for all the pooing and peeing. In the 4 years we've had our two, I've been pee'd on twice and cleaned up more puke and poop than I can remember. At least the baby stuff should be smaller in quantity.
At least the baby stuff should be smaller in quantity.
Not always.
The boy and I both slept over 10 hours last night--uninterrupted. This is heavenly.
sj has a place to live! This is good. Aimee has found time to shave and pluck and color! This is also good. Cashmere has gotten some sleep, and Jessica and vw have new haircuts, and wow, much good happening here.
The British Royal Family needs to hire some new handlers for P. Harry. Ones with no necks and less conversation. That boy's going to officer school soon, and needs a swift kick in the ass.
In other news, CNN International just introduced their programming by saying "Southeast Asian tsunamis and California mudslides - is the world's weather changing?" I didn't know tectonic activity was "weather" (although I understand the rain in CA is related to the ocean in SE Asia).