Jessica-- I love your new cut.
Work is going to be weird for awhile. We had someone who went on an internship from late spring until now, cool co worker was taking her place but as his responsiblities changed I was given more and more to do. Now that she's back I think I'm going to have to give up some of the things I did. And I don't want to. She wants to talk to our supervisor so we can get a clear idea of who has responsibility for what.
TImeliest of Timelies!
I will get to see Jessica's new haircur in person in a matter of hours. Be jealous.
Congrats to sj on the apartment, that sounds like a great deal! Bummer about the accident, though.
If you don't take a dog for his walk after lacing his breakfast with bacon grease, he will crap on the rug. Or so yesterday's inadvertent experiment tells me. I will not attempt to duplicate the results.
Clear demarcation of responsibilities is good. Hope you get to keep the more interesting parts of the job, askye.
The British Royal Family needs to hire some new handlers for P. Harry. Ones with no necks and less conversation. That boy's going to officer school soon, and needs a swift kick in the ass.
But he's a damn cute little bastard.
Cindy, thanks so much for the recap the other day. I really appreciated it. I like knowing what's going on with ya'll.
We're in Edinburgh now. Anyone need/want anything from Scotland? Other than Billy Boyd?
We're in Edinburgh now.
Oh, cool.
I'm bummed today, my life is not going well.
Congrats on the apartment, sj!
Hi, Dr. Gud!
feeling better and more rested today. Thanks to a little herbal medicine cure I'd forgotten I had around the house. Tom, of all people, suggested I try a little before bed. relaxed tight muscles, helped with stomach pain, and helped me sleep more soundly.
The car is in the garage (Click & Clack's garage! Well, it's owned by one of them) for a general check up/tuneup. Hopefully the preventative maintenenence will not kill us. It feels good to be proactive about car stuff.
OK, should work now.
We're in Edinburgh now. Anyone need/want anything from Scotland? Other than Billy Boyd?
Hi SA! Would you mind running around the city saying hello to my relatives and assuring them I'm not dead? Thanks ever so. If you could bring back a couple of wins by the Hearts that would be much appreciated too, they're kinda struggling at the moment. Also, have fun!
Yay on Jess' new hairdo, sj's apartment, Nora feeling better, SA peeking in, Aimee's grooming (and BWAH! on the Emma peeing story), etcetera.
Boo on accidents, work confusion, twits from all walks of life, and Gud's bad day. What's up, hon?
The marriage rough spot is turning into a really, really rough spot.