But isn't this where the hoops come in? Doing Victorian dress-up, I found hoops a blessing in that, unless I was running or doing something flappy and ridiculous, the hoops kept the lacy ruffled ribboned hems a safe distance from my feet. I can't even count the number of times I'd have gone ass over teakettle were it not for the safe distance imposed by the hoops.
Well, yes, but I've kind of wandered away from hoops for everyday wear. I'm trying for a slimmer (but still ruffly-hemmed) look. Hence the pointy toes and buckles tangling in lace. But I've gotten pretty good at a skimming sort of way of walking that keeps toes, heels, and buckles away from hems.
See the link up above.
Thanks, guys. I've had those in the past, but only the flats, so I didn't know how much a difference the heels would make.
Yeah, I was slow on the uptake, there.
I was going to let it go, in deference to sara's delicate sensibilities.
I'm so nice, that I play bad cop. That's how much I love.
t dies
That's how much I love.
You hate me?
t cries
t then dies
I want a pair of aerosoles. I keep meaning to try them on at the store to see if they are friendly to my frog feet or not.
One of these will be my next fluevog purchase in black , for practicality:
Noting Kat's thumb's-up on the Aerosoles, still waiting for ita's boot feedback.
And re: Owen Wilson's wang -- I hope it's an air bubble. One's genitalia should not touch one's elbow.
Ah, the camel toe discussion. How come I am not surprised? Next I hope we get that website with the guy in the bright green thong.
Is now the time to bring up the Owen Wilson air bubble/schlong photo controversy?
What's the controversy? why is it controversial? I mean, air bubble? penis? The bigger question is WHO CARES as if it were a penis, it's attached to Owen Wilson, which is a big No.
You hate me?
I'm sorry. I was going in alphabetical order. Of first names.
Erin -- I wore them out to dinner, and they were comfortable indeed. One day this week I may wear them to work, but I really don't want anyone to talk to me about them, and I'm paranoid.
One's genitalia should not touch one's elbow.
::tosses yoga book::