Tim Robbins towers over Natalie Portman!
In the picture I got, it was Clive and RZ. (I think she makes a big show of losing the Bridget Jones weight every year to say, "Look, it was just for a character!" Also, the brunette is not good on her. However, I'm not a Renee hater.)
Tim Robbins towers over Natalie Portman!
I had William-Fucking-Shatner.
Again, I'll be over here with Plei. And Shatner, apparently.
Kat, they seem to be adding pictures, and because they are rat bastards, they add to the front not the back. I was trying to go through the slideshow, and it next kept getting me back to the pictures I'd been at before.
I love the watch and post for award shows. I don't watch them - but I get to see all the dresses.
Polter-cow quoted the part of scrotal saftey link that I really wanted to quote.
cats - I had two, they came that way. Might have to get another because the other is in need of a playmate. and my foot in the middle of the night- does not wish to become an object that is to be hunted.
So Consuela did not go to a show with her sister - her sister planned a surprise party for her... that was a face worth seeing, but oddly, no one remembered a camera. which makes me ask - did JZ stay home to nurse you,david? I had been looking forward to seeing her.
I got Orlando Bloom.
So I'm not complaining. But the slideshow pages are unreliable.
I think, whether or not they breed, Dolly should boff Prince. He's such a pretty little thing.
Okay, Eva's dress is on crack. I think Felicity looks the best. Teri's dress wacks out, Marcia's is oddly dowdy, and Nicolette -- the neckline's too low, but there's no threat of nipple. She's not quite Angie Harmon-style, but still. Push 'em up. Hell, from what we've seen, they don't need that much pushing. Still, she does win best improved.
her sister planned a surprise party for her
Aww. Yay. Totally fell for it, did she? That's fun.
So Consuela did not go to a show with her sister - her sister planned a surprise party for her
I KNEW THIS! I was being sneaky. Also, sad I coudn't make it.