I got Orlando Bloom.
So I'm not complaining. But the slideshow pages are unreliable.
I think, whether or not they breed, Dolly should boff Prince. He's such a pretty little thing.
Okay, Eva's dress is on crack. I think Felicity looks the best. Teri's dress wacks out, Marcia's is oddly dowdy, and Nicolette -- the neckline's too low, but there's no threat of nipple. She's not quite Angie Harmon-style, but still. Push 'em up. Hell, from what we've seen, they don't need that much pushing. Still, she does win best improved.
her sister planned a surprise party for her
Aww. Yay. Totally fell for it, did she? That's fun.
So Consuela did not go to a show with her sister - her sister planned a surprise party for her
I KNEW THIS! I was being sneaky. Also, sad I coudn't make it.
You know what, Orlando Bloom has a nice voice.
Okay, Dolly should boff Lee. Whatever floats your boat.
I so didn't have the energy to watch the actual awards past the first two. Which went to very pretty people, but I like pictures more.
Still, I'd have liked to have seen Orlando, to see how he handles himself in public appearances these days.
Dolly should boff Prince.
::snickers:: I missed the beginning of this conversation, and now, the only Dolly I can think of is Dolly the Sheep. Oy, the mental image.
I don't get the Prince love. He's a great musician. Other than that, he's all yours.
He's a great musician
Well, that's a million parts of it. Okay, I also think he's tremendously pretty, but DAMN. He's incandescent musically. I don't think singing is as sexy as some folks do, but so much of his songs
sex, and so well done, that even though he's five foot and hope, wears more makeup than I do, and presses his hair -- oh, in a hot second.
Hilary Swank is scary-looking. She gives me the creeps. It's all those teeth, I think.
Prince is very pretty. And, well, Prince.