For someone on his way to a doctorate, QPB is not so much with the common sense.
My sister with the juris doctor swallowed a quarter. Bad drinking game gone awry, I think. I think nature handled it, not the doctor.
t sits down next to DX to wait for the whole story
For someone on his way to a doctorate, QPB is not so much with the common sense.
"Being a grad student" and "having enough common sense to come in out of the rain" don't necessarily correlate.
OK, the Veronica Mars plots are just utterly ridiculous, but somehow the show is still working for me.
More shamefully, I have to admit the episode's resolution of Veronica's (ie
) case made me all tearful.
The actors and characters are wonderful - I'm thinking that must be it.
ignore my posts. Allyson clarified it for me. I have to stop being mean now.
he was at Berkeley with a friend. Needed inhaler. Inhaler in pocket. Dime in pocket. Dime in lungs.
Trouble breathing. Great pain. Doctor takes X-Ray. Holy shit! It's resting just between his lungs. They say, "DON'T MOVE!"
Count back from 100. Sleeeeeep, QPB.
Send in Roto Rooter. Take out dime.
Macabre friend takes digital pics of the whole thing.
Why blog? I dunno.
I just happened to flip channels to ESPN, and they were showing the audience from some boxing match, and there's this guy there, and he looks really familiar, and I suddenly realize it's Redd Foxx, who looks remarkably good considering he's been dead, like, forever.
Okay. Turns out it's the Ali vs. Chuck "The Bayonne Bleeder" Wepner fight.
Heh. "Wepner may look slow and awkward, because he is slow and awkward."
Maybe QPB should fight Ali next.
TAR: Hungarian water polo players suck! and once again Gus and Hera pick the wrong detour.
and did Lori bite Phil?
quester, I think maybe she did. And I knew Gus and Hera would, but the alternative was
Gus in a speedo
Was it Adam that had the great line, "I think we need more music."
Kathy, there was
water polo, pigs blood, spicy soup and vomit
. Other people are probably better at the recap thing.
Oh and Happy Birthday to ita, and belated wishes to all those I missed in the last week or so.