Flipping back and forth between NOVA and TAR. And I remember too well the train station in Budapest. I had a meltdown there! Joy! And then my travelling companions shovelled some poppyseed laden pastry into me and I was queasy but much nicer.
Funny the things you forget.
Veronica Mars:
I missed something. What did they say happened to the
$1M lawsuit settlement
In VM, the father
sunk the money in a business that went bankrupt a couple years later.
Huh. Thanks. So it
became a non-issue.
I dunno. That's like
not firing Chekov's gun.
Allyson, from the IM link, what the hell did QPB swallow? And what kind of tool (sorry, QPB, ifyou are reading this) documents the whole thing, including OR stuff. he's a FREAK.
crapass junkfood
Ah! I miss the ice cream bars! That was so great. I think I ate three ice cream bars a day for a while. Oof. The Dove ones would wipe you out for hours.
Gotta scurry home to watch homegrown dorks on TV.
Allyson, from the IM link, what the hell did QPB swallow? And what kind of tool (sorry, QPB, ifyou are reading this) documents the whole thing, including OR stuff. he's a FREAK.
t Pops some corn, sits in comfy chair waiting for story...
Do children still read Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, Ferdinand the Bull and The Little Engine That Could?
I hope so, 'cause I just got it for my nephew Sean.
I like to go to the Wordsworth children's bookstore and browse till I find the perfect thing.
okay, continuing through the photos. A DIME? Why the hell did he swallow a dime? And why did that send him to a see a doctor?
For someone on his way to a doctorate, QPB is not so much with the common sense.
My mind shorted out sometime yesterday, and for some reason I thought that TAR was on at 9:00 CST, not 8. Can anyone just give me the highlights in whitefont until the recap goes up at the official site later tonight?
Oh, and as for
did you happen to catch on the news that Menino was trying to stop Southie people from saving their shoveled-out parking spaces?
Chicago's Richie Daley was asked about this at a press conference today (whether he would do the same thing here), and he didn't advocate the use of placeholders per se, but he wouldn't condemn it, either.