I'm so glad you got it! And like it! I was starting to get worried and I stupidly erased their confirmation e-mail last last week.
I had actually picked out something else, but then we were talking about stained glass and I love their stuff.
Happy Holidays!
My secret santa gift is going to be delayed going out because Kara stole part of it yesterday and I have yet to find it.
just went to post office and it is not so much like hell as i thought it would be. SO my santee should have something soon. I'm guessing by Monday.
Happy Solstice, everyone! (Okay, so I'm a day late, so what else is new lately?)
we were talking about stained glass and I love their stuff.
Is soooooo pretty. Thank you! Yay!
I love the new post office machines. They are wonderful and efficient and mine is actually in the post office, so it gets emptied often. (The USPS rep who was out there helping people navigate the machine said that he's emptying it an average of 5 times per 8-hour shift.) Given that I have to go to the P.O. every single day for work, I appreciate any streamlining of the process.
My secret santa gift is going to be delayed going out because Kara stole part of it yesterday and I have yet to find it.
Giggle. You will probably be able to use this excuse for years to come.
My dear Santee - I forgot to enclose a note, but you will know it is from me from the return address, duh. You will get the package tomorrow if FedEx doesn't lie.
It was so much fun to shop for you. With many of my relatives and friends I have no clue what to give, but I had to restrain myself because there were so many things I saw that I thought you would enjoy. It was indeed my pleasure.
Now you will have to scroll back when you get your package!
Man, that link? Anytime I feel cranky, I look at the Rose du Monde. That has to be the most beautiful stained glass window on earth.
I'm partial to this one:
Ginger, one of my best buddies has one of Mucha's ladies tattooed on her ankle and a third of the way up her leg. It's bloody gorgeous.
Kate, did the music I sent you arrive yet?