for Wolfram:
the opening scene for VM 2x06 on we start out with a group of people sitting in Keith and Veronica's living room watching the tv for news about the Sheriff elections. Veronica VO is telling us that she thought she'd be seeing her father with a double digit lead while she and Wallace made prank calls to Lamb. instead the race is a nailbiter and BFF has become an email address that doesn't write back.
old-timer #1 to show up? CLIFF!! sorry, i love Cliff. he's watching the election results with them and asks V to refill his drink after hearing that Lamb is ahead. Keith is optimistic about the outcome and tells V they own the straggler voters.
cut to: random person walking into Lamb's office where he's chewing on a (possibly premature) celebratory cigar. guy says he has information about that "mexican kid that was killed". apparently, he was the anonymous caller from the bridge. Lamb: *shocked face*
cut to: Deputy Sacks walking into what appears to be Duncan's hotel room where he walks over to Logan and tells him that Sheriff Lamb would like to ask him a few questions. cue snarky!Logan... he tells the Deputy that if he's under arrest to do him the courtesy of making it official. Deputy cuffs him and reads him his rights and he's accused yet again of killing Felix. (Logan: oh! i'm having the weirdest deja vu thing right now. *long, lingering glance in V's direction*)
Donut looking confused as the deputy leads Logan out of the room.
cut to: V returning to Mars Investigations and seeing a whino hanging out on their doorstep. she starts to tell him she doesn't think he's supposed to be there when he leans up.... ABEL KOONTZ!!!
he wants V to help him find Amelia(his daughter) before he dies because she's apparently missing.