They're doing it backwards; walking up the down slide.

River ,'Ariel'

Spoilage Lite - The Return

[NAFDA] The place for casting and other vague spoilers, for those who merely want to wade, not drown, in the spoiler sea. Episode titles, writers, and preview speculation in black font. Exiting cast, TV Guide and other entertainment articles and their discussion white-fonted. Hard core spoilers are not allowed.

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DXMachina - Nov 07, 2004 8:49:07 am PST #1 of 3639
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

Go for it.

Thomash - Nov 07, 2004 8:50:40 am PST #2 of 3639
I have a plan.

Lana's parents are dead.

DXMachina - Nov 07, 2004 8:53:15 am PST #3 of 3639
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

Dude! That's a violation!!!

DCJensen - Nov 07, 2004 8:56:41 am PST #4 of 3639
All is well that ends in pizza.

I hate to mention this so late in the game, but wouldn't it have been better to rename the other thread as spoilage lite, as up until now it's been a lot of whitefont?

Lee - Nov 07, 2004 9:00:15 am PST #5 of 3639
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

Lana's parents are dead.



P.M. Marc - Nov 07, 2004 9:34:40 am PST #6 of 3639
So come, my friends, be not afraid/We are so lightly here/It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear

I hate to mention this so late in the game, but wouldn't it have been better to rename the other thread as spoilage lite, as up until now it's been a lot of whitefont?

No, because it also contains hard-core spoilers, which you will note are not allowed in here.

Vonnie K - Nov 07, 2004 9:39:40 am PST #7 of 3639
Kiss me, my girl, before I'm sick.

wouldn't it have been better to rename the other thread as spoilage lite, as up until now it's been a lot of whitefont?

Well, no. Mainly because I think that thread has white-fonted hardcore spoilers. Don't wanna go in any place where I may be tempted to highlight major plot-spoilage.

Anyway. Next Lost episode is titled "Cofidence Man". Since it's a Sawyer-centric ep, we could probably speculate that Sawyer was a con man before the crash. A con man, or a con?

Edit: x-posty!

Also, is there any limitation on which show we may talk about here? And is this thread NAFDA for everything?

Thomash - Nov 07, 2004 9:43:42 am PST #8 of 3639
I have a plan.

Grifter maybe?

Vonnie K - Nov 07, 2004 9:49:44 am PST #9 of 3639
Kiss me, my girl, before I'm sick.

Well, he's cocky and sleazy enough, but I don't know whether he could be smooth enough to pull off a big game. He was probably a small-time crook.

Although, there seem to be some intimations that Sawyer is smarter than he appears, so who knows? I may be surprised.

DXMachina - Nov 07, 2004 11:00:01 am PST #10 of 3639
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

Maybe he's actually a distinguished professor of English at an Ivy League school who just like pissing people off. I'll bet the accent's fake, too.

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