Episode 4.15 - uh, let me check when that is.
Okay, I believe that is April 13th. (Tonight's episode is the 10th of this season.)
Gunn ,'Power Play'
[NAFDA] The place for casting and other vague spoilers, for those who merely want to wade, not drown, in the spoiler sea. Episode titles, writers, and preview speculation in black font. Exiting cast, TV Guide and other entertainment articles and their discussion white-fonted. Hard core spoilers are not allowed.
Episode 4.15 - uh, let me check when that is.
Okay, I believe that is April 13th. (Tonight's episode is the 10th of this season.)
Thanks, sumi!
That is going to be so freaky for me — I used to get him and Ron Rifkin confused all the time.
Ooh, possible plot speculation!
That is going to be so freaky for me — I used to get him and Ron Rifkin confused all the time.
Heh, I can see this. If he comes in all scruffy, it's going to be twice as hard.
They are close enough to work with it. How much do I love that notion!
Psst! Hey Sydney, would you like to see a trick?
I don't want to go to Spoilers Outright, because I'll get spoiled for other things.
Um, the rumor about Enterprise is that the finale, written by Berman and Braga, will Dallas the entire series. That the entire run of Enterprise was actually a historical holo-novel being watched by Riker and/or Troi, from TNG. IOW, none of it actually happened.
Full discussion here: [link]
I can't imagine a more sincere way of saying "fuck you" to their fanbase. No wonder they lost 11 million viewers since the pilot.
OMG -- I read that rumor somewhere else (WX) too . . . a Newhart or St Elsewhere type ending.
I really didn't know it was still on.