I mentioned malaria up thread. Surely there are mosquitos on the island.
Actually, there were no mosquitoes in Hawaii until after the Europeans started visiting (they bred in the bilge of the whaling and trading ships), so it's at least possible that this island has no mosquitoes, depending on where it is and the pattern of habitation.
Don't you think Boone could have casually said, "Hey, that's my book!" at some point prior to going through his stuff and getting beaten up?
Boone's a moron? Boone doesn't actually read, so he didn't mind that Sawyer took it? Boone thinks it's a girly book? Boone's a genre snob! Hah.
Je vais essayer d'aller jusqu'au rocher noir… [I will try to go as far as the black rock…]
Interesting that this was never translated for us. I wonder if it will come up at all.
Megan, you rock!
Okay, what's the black rock? Will we see it next week? COOOL.
I also love that Shannon's French isn't that good, she's just winging the translation.
Interesting that this was never translated for us. I wonder if it will come up at all.
That bit is repeated a few times. Like I said, it turned out to be quite an interesting message when I sat down and went through it. Plus, Shannon distinctly translates "I'm all alone" when the woman never says any such thing.
Hi Steph! Your mom is a scream. I didn't get to meet your brother (too busy making our tasty food) but I'll probably get another chance as I'll be moving to VT (temporarily at least) in February.
Thanks for the translation megan!
Okay, that translation just gave me the creeps all over again. Thanks, megan!
Boone's a genre snob!
I just sent you the whole text of that segment. Let me know if you have any problems with the file.
I got the file - it looks great! Thanks so much.
I figure once they run out of soap, it won't really be an issue anymore.
Soap is easy to make, and really they should be able to wash off most gunk and such in the ocean. perhaps rinse downstream from the cave pool to remove the sea salt, etc.
But actually, after hearing his OMGWTFYOUSPEAKENGLISH!!?! in Korean, I don't think he does speak, after all.
When? Did he actually see/say this on the show this week? Because us non-korean-lingual people didn't get a translation of the Jin words when he saw Michael give Sun the Eucalyptus.