I figure once they run out of soap, it won't really be an issue anymore.
Soap is easy to make, and really they should be able to wash off most gunk and such in the ocean. perhaps rinse downstream from the cave pool to remove the sea salt, etc.
But actually, after hearing his OMGWTFYOUSPEAKENGLISH!!?! in Korean, I don't think he does speak, after all.
When? Did he actually see/say this on the show this week? Because us non-korean-lingual people didn't get a translation of the Jin words when he saw Michael give Sun the Eucalyptus.
Je vais essayer d'aller jusqu'au rocher noir… [I will try to go as far as the black rock…]
Interesting that this was never translated for us. I wonder if it will come up at all.
I can't help thinking of "Bad Day at Black Rock"
Knowing the percentage of people who don't wash their hands after using the toilet, I'm just waiting for someone to come down with dysentery.
I think it's very typical of US TV that not a single episode has featured characters dealing with toilet facilities.
One of the first things they should have come up with was a place away from the camps, and yet protected from invisimechanisaurus. Plus? people should always go with another to keep watch outwards.
I'm assuming any toilet paper is long gone after two weeks. Hope they found some non-irritating leaves.
Sawyer might have been taking a dip to get an ocean bidet after using the facilities...
" Il est dehors. Il est dehors et Brennan a pris les clés." [He/It is outside. He/It is outside and Brennan took the keys.] I'm not sure of the name but Brennan seems closest to what she says. It makes sense that there is at least one other person with her somewhere since she says clearly "help us" not "me." Also note that the pronoun she uses in "Il les a tués." and "Il est dehors." could mean "he" or "it."
OMGWTF -- it's FRENCH Mutant X!!!
(Behind the HAWTness of the Kate/Sawyer kiss, I couldn't help wonder if either of them had brushed their teeth in the past two weeks.)
No toothbrushes in the luggage? No obsessives finding twigs and chewing them to make brushes?
Watership Down. IJS.
Hey! At least wait until they've used up all the John Grisham and Danielle Steele.
Watership Down. IJS.
Thanks for the translation, megan. That's very interesting.
Hope they found some non-irritating leaves.
Watership Down. IJS.
Heh. I thought of that, maybe *that's* why sawyer is carrying it around. He's used the first chapter....
Actually, I think it would be more useful as a bartering chip as readable material. Now, in-flight magazines are another thing, except for glossy pages, argh...
When? Did he actually see/say this on the show this week?
No. I'm just extrapolating. He made an OMGWTF face. That's all.