Reign of Fire
is a thoughtful commentary on post-colonial international relations.
I don't know if it's that on purpose, but hey. Shouldn't have released the movie if you didn't want me to have a reaction to it.
Fahrenheit 451
Logan's Run,
How about The Day the Earth Stood Still, or Forbidden Planet?
x-post with Tom.
Oh, that kind of thoughtful.
I haven't seen AI, but it seems it fits the bill. And
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Santa Clause vs. the Martians
I guess by thoughtful, I mean more that there was thought put into it than anything else. Really worked on, instead of just slapped together.
Ah, okay. I was thinking more in terms of "idea"-sci-fi versus action-sci-fi.
And does that mean that trainwrecks like Dune (David Lynch/Alan Smithee, not the miniseries) go on the list? There was clearly a lot of work and thought put into it, crack-addled though it may have been.
(That definition would also seem to cover Minority Report and AI.)
Also, the original Star Wars trilogy -- not an "idea" movie by any stretch, but definitely not slapped together.
A Clockwork Orange, I think, fits under both.
I think a lot about Annie.
I think there is a certain silliness quotient that disallows an otherwise "thoughtful" movie from being officially thoughtful. That quotient is decidedly achieved by
Logan's Run;
also any futuristic dystopia starring Charlton Heston.
I think giant irradiated bug movies achieve the silliness quotient as well, even though taken as a whole they could be considered a form of nuclear-anxiety social commentary.
How much do I love Fahrenheit 451? So much that I've sort of been holding my breath a bit and chanting a mantra that nobody does a rehash. Er, remake. To my mind, Oskar Werner and Julie Christie and b/w are the One True Version.
I still look at my PC and my posting boards and remember the interactive wall-ongoing "family".
And look what I found. sob.
The Angry Red Planet.
It makes you think what might happen if Mars got mad at us.
Anyway, I think there are lots of "thoughtful" sci-fi movies....