And going for the threepeat:
From IMDB:
[NOTE - SPOILER ALERT: Ordinarily we do not offer "spoiler" warnings when discussing the content of movies unless they also appear in the news reports that we compress for this digest. The following item, however, covers the controversy over the actions by some commentators and columnists to undermine Clint Eastwood's Million Dollar Baby by disclosing a key plot element. Readers who have not seen the movie and who do not want to be informed about the issue it raises until they have seen it may wish to skip this item.]
Rush Limbaugh has become the latest commentator to blast Clint Eastwood's Million Dollar Baby, calling it a "million dollar euthanasia movie." On Tuesday, he facetiously apologized for letting "the cat out of the bag when I mentioned to you that the real subject of the movie is, when this heroine becomes paralyzed, she wants to die and they say, 'Okay, you'd be better off dead,' and they pretty much zap her. I apparently spoke out of school, as a movie critic and reviewer, uh, ladies and gentlemen. I just feel terrible about this." Critic Michael Medved told USA Today that he had revealed the plot twist because "there are competing moral demands that come into the job of a movie critic. We have a moral and fairness obligation to not spoil movies. On the other hand, our primary moral obligation is to tell the truth." Medved, who says he "hated this movie," also remarked that "They didn't want to tell people what it is [about] because no one would come." On Tuesday, an orgaization of paraplegics also joined the critics of the movie.
I didn't actually read the whited out portion. I'll just see the damned movie and cry like a wreck sometime this weekend.