if you're a Crusader who's doing the doe-eyed Orlando Bloom thing in the real world, you probably get the medieval equivalent of a wedgie from your fellows every day.
This point has been lost in all the Blues Bros. love. I feel the need to repeat it, because, frankly, I feel that Orlando Bloom could use a couple of wedgies now and then.
I'd add Blues Brothers love for Sister Mary Stigmata, the car chase through the mall to Sam & Dave's "Hold on, I'm Comin'", and Jake's "It's good to see you, sweetheart1" after being pinned down by Carrie Fisher's suppressing fire.
frankly, I feel that Orlando Bloom could use a couple of wedgies now and then.
ita will kill you if you try anything.
I'll protect you, Nutty, while you wedgie Orlando!
And then there's wacky futuristic sci-fi stuff like an end to wars, poverty and disease....
Yeah, well, I didn't like to get my hopes up.
I just saw
I think Clive Owen was the only one who managed to elevate the text beyond it's staginess. Julia Roberts inability to convey an inner life for her character made me question if she herself has an inner life. (I suspect robot.)
And the scene were Clive is barefoot...Gah! I'll be in my bunk.
I'd be interested in seeing the wedgie attempt, so give me a holler when you're in position.
Will you be locked in a squash court with Orli?
I think I don't need a competitive advantage over Orlando Bloom. I promise even to take off any stompy shoes I might be wearing.
Especially if he has no forewarning of my secret plan, it should be easy to just sidle up, do the Hollywood air-kiss greeting, reach around back for a simple friendly hug -- and WHAM! Tighty-whities everywhere.
You didn't think a propensity to hugging was a liability, did you? This is why people in New England have a big personal bubble.
And the scene were Clive is barefoot...Gah! I'll be in my bunk.
I think Clive's hotness might have been helped just a smidge by comparison to Jude Law at the puffiest and least charming he's ever been.