I think it's great that a black actor who's never opened a movie is considered a flagship of the American attack on world culture. If I halfway believed it, I'd be tickled...well, not pink.
Definition question: What's the sensation generated by the scene in
The Incredibles
when the family
reunites in the forest and strikes that pose?
It was mentioned in a USA Today article as a crypoint, and just the mention of it gave me resonant shivers. But I don't have a word for the emotion it called up.
Certainly not a cry point for me. I think an equivalent moment might be
the climax of "Into the Fire" in OMWF, where Buffy kicks in the door to the Bronze,
sort of a pump-your-fist-in-the-air-YEAH! moment. I dunno, is that exultation?
I was thinking exultation. Kind of a "HELL yeah!" moment.
I don't think Renee Zellweger "stole" Bridget Jones any more than Hugh Jackman "stole" Wolverine. Film is an international medium and films are cast with an eye to pulling in audiences with as wide a net as possible. In terms of looking abroad, it partially has to do with where the product is. My Brother lives in Holland, and they have a lot of British shows on there--although I know British TV has no Dutch television shows. Is that a slap in the face to Dutch culture or does it have to do with the relative size of the telvision industry in both cultures? I don't think England is engaging in cultural imperialism when they regularly take Dutch game shows (and so do we here in America, for that matter) and remake them in English. Do you?
Did you have any crypoints, DX? Or moments you recognised as such?
Does that sort of exultation make you feel weepy, Steph? Or do you recognise it as a different sort of emotional moment?
Oh, and let's forget imperialism and border wars for a moment -- Hugh Jackman stole Wolverine from the short people.
Did Nicole Kidman and Jude Law steal Cold Mountain from Americans? Did shooting it in Europe steal it from Americans? Or is it only stealing if a lot of your colleagues do it? Otherwise it's just you showing a remarkable adaptive (and dare I say it -- acting) ability?
Did Naveen Andrews steal Sayid from an Iraqi actor?
Does that sort of exultation make you feel weepy, Steph?
I think it depends on how emotionally invested I am in the characters/their story. For instance, in "Chosen," I *still* get weepy at the baseball!Slayer, no matter how many times I've seen it. And while I really liked The Incredibles, I wasn't really invested in it, and I don't know if that's because it's animated, or what.
Hugh Jackman stole Wolverine from the short people.
I was watching X2 over Thanksgiving, and I found myself wondering if Famke Janssen was standing on a box for some of her scenes with Jackman, because she looked taller than him.