I don't care that I haven't actually seen the scene or whatever.
That's how I feel about Gilligan's Island. I know when something's a reference -- I filled all that in because my friends were very boring that way. So I can act like I've seen it.
I can't act like I've seen the aforementioned teen movies, because aside from putting lipstick on with cleavage (am I remembering that right?) which I can't actually do -- never felt the touchstonal loss of them.
In fact, I didn't watch teen movies in the 80s, really. I wasn't in the US, it wasn't so much of a big deal. It wasn't until I got to college in Canada when I realised everyone else had. I fell in love with John Cusack, saw most of his, and felt sufficiently up to date. Would that Dobler were a touchstone.
I would say it is definitely a touchstone, and it has the teen movie plot of geeky girl gets sexy gets guy, plus dancing.
Ooh. Yeah, I might be down with that.
Ooh. Yeah, I might be down with that.
Plus? Most quotable line ever: "Nobody puts Baby in the corner."
I haven't seen
The Godfather
The Godfather Part II
Schindler's List
Lawrence of Arabia
I am aware that this makes me evil. I plan to rectify. They just all seem so long and serious and I am often in the mood for short and and giggleful.
I used that quote the other day at work.
Everyone looked at me strange...it was more what I was refering to than no one getting it.
I haven't seen The Godfather or The Godfather Part II or Schindler's List or Lawrence of Arabia or Brazil.
Were we supposed to? Whatever! I saw Clueless.
And I didn't like Casablanca, which from everything I had heard about it, I should have loved. Now I don't go out of my way to watch over-hyped classics because, really, I think I expect too much from them.
You get a pass on Schindler's list.
You HAVE to see T G now. It's a really important American movie. And I bet you would find Lawrence of A fun IFF you find a way to see it in a theater.
You HAVE to see T G now. It's a really important American movie. And I bet you would find Lawrence of A fun IFF you find a way to see it in a theater.
Just the first Godfather?
And I'm sure Lawrence probably plays every now and again around LA. Hmm. Maybe when I have a car I'll go hunt it down, so I don't have to rely on talking someone else into it, which I'm notoriously bad at. I could be at the bottom of a bridge yelling that the water is really great down there, and everyone at the top would probably walk away.
You have to see the first one; if you don't want to see the second one, that's fine. I'm betting you will want to see it.
Hmm. Maybe. I'm sure they have it at the Cinema library, so at least it would be free...