I haven't seen
The Godfather
The Godfather Part II
Schindler's List
Lawrence of Arabia
I am aware that this makes me evil. I plan to rectify. They just all seem so long and serious and I am often in the mood for short and and giggleful.
I used that quote the other day at work.
Everyone looked at me strange...it was more what I was refering to than no one getting it.
I haven't seen The Godfather or The Godfather Part II or Schindler's List or Lawrence of Arabia or Brazil.
Were we supposed to? Whatever! I saw Clueless.
And I didn't like Casablanca, which from everything I had heard about it, I should have loved. Now I don't go out of my way to watch over-hyped classics because, really, I think I expect too much from them.
You get a pass on Schindler's list.
You HAVE to see T G now. It's a really important American movie. And I bet you would find Lawrence of A fun IFF you find a way to see it in a theater.
You HAVE to see T G now. It's a really important American movie. And I bet you would find Lawrence of A fun IFF you find a way to see it in a theater.
Just the first Godfather?
And I'm sure Lawrence probably plays every now and again around LA. Hmm. Maybe when I have a car I'll go hunt it down, so I don't have to rely on talking someone else into it, which I'm notoriously bad at. I could be at the bottom of a bridge yelling that the water is really great down there, and everyone at the top would probably walk away.
You have to see the first one; if you don't want to see the second one, that's fine. I'm betting you will want to see it.
Hmm. Maybe. I'm sure they have it at the Cinema library, so at least it would be free...
Besides which American Pie (the first one anyway) is a pretty sweet movie.
Really? Even though there's sex with dessert?
I have now seen Harold and Kumar. It was well worth my dollar (it's already at the dollar theatre). I loathe White Castle, so when I got out of the movie, I got McDonald's.
I still like Dude, Where's My Car? better, but Harold and Kumar was pretty funny.
Tomorrow, Garden State.
I just saw
What's Up, Tiger Lily?
which I'd been meaning to see for a while. Thank you, Turner Classic Movies! If you don't know, it's a Japanese spy flick with dialogue dubbed over by Woody Allen and other actors so that it's now about retrieving the recipe for the world's greatest egg salad. It's a precursor to MST3K; most of the funniest jokes are the kind that would come out of Tom Servo. It's mildly funny for the most part, but
funny in many points, especially when Woody Allen busts out with the metahumor. It's also a little bit racist, I think. Then again, it was 1966, so it was probably considered less racist then.
Men in Black was a comic book?