Besides which American Pie (the first one anyway) is a pretty sweet movie.
Really? Even though there's sex with dessert?
I have now seen Harold and Kumar. It was well worth my dollar (it's already at the dollar theatre). I loathe White Castle, so when I got out of the movie, I got McDonald's.
I still like Dude, Where's My Car? better, but Harold and Kumar was pretty funny.
Tomorrow, Garden State.
I just saw
What's Up, Tiger Lily?
which I'd been meaning to see for a while. Thank you, Turner Classic Movies! If you don't know, it's a Japanese spy flick with dialogue dubbed over by Woody Allen and other actors so that it's now about retrieving the recipe for the world's greatest egg salad. It's a precursor to MST3K; most of the funniest jokes are the kind that would come out of Tom Servo. It's mildly funny for the most part, but
funny in many points, especially when Woody Allen busts out with the metahumor. It's also a little bit racist, I think. Then again, it was 1966, so it was probably considered less racist then.
Men in Black was a comic book?
Anybody know anything about
Sky Captain and the World of Tommorrow?
'cause I love the retro look of the commercials and think I really want to see it because of this. Of course that was also the reason I went to see
Chronicles of Riddick
and was somewhat disappointed.
Sorta' behind-the-scenes look at Sky Captain and the World of Tommorrow. It's pretty anticipated....
eta: That's a NYT link so you need a login....
ita, where did you get that top-grossing comic book movies list?
uh, never mind -- found it (
I am Not Pleased that I'm out of town the opening weekend of Sky Captain. I have to figure out if I can make my usual buddy for this kind of movie wait, or if I can make someone else go with me. Otherwise, I'll just see it by myself, which would be fine too.
Most quotable line ever: "Nobody puts Baby in the corner."
Also, I give young people extra time to see stuff -- at least I know I'm terrible about seeing things after the fact.
Thanks for the link, tommy. It seems NYT is having some server problems at the moment but I'll try it later. I'm already logged in as a member there.
Since I arrived at the theater too late to see
Suspect Zero
Without a Paddle
last night, I ended up seeing
Such a beautiful movie (though I agree with those who say that CTHD was better). I did have an involuntary moment of laughter (as did the rest of the audience) when Snow
first started batting away a bazillion arrows with her scarves, though